Chapter 34

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The next few weeks go by in a flash. I'm finished with my project, now somewhat free for the next few days before I have to get started on numerous essays for other classes, and there's also been no sign from France. My heart feels deflated and the only thing that can accurately describe me is defeated: I don't show it, however, because tonight was the night of the charity gala and everyone was too excited for it to be dragged down by me.

Mr. Bishop was kind enough to let me extend my invite, so I was bringing Caroline along as well as Tag. Tag had spent the previous night at ours so brought most of his things to get ready and now the two were preparing in her room whilst I sat semi-properly on the couch in a bid not to ruin my dress

Jolene had been invited as well but ended up having to go visit family so she couldn't make it tonight. Another person who couldn't make it was Francesca- I wasn't sure if I was relieved or disappointed when Kade told me.

Of course, I wanted to get to know her more, but tonight was going to be an extra-special night for Kade and I. There was no set evidence that her apology was truthful as well, so if she found out of my plans- who knows what her reaction would've been.

But the thought that she was still my boyfriend's childhood friend rung through my head as a gentle reminder so- being the 'mature' person I was- I invited her to the dinner I was planning for him last night. It wasn't necessarily a surprise since he knew of it happening, but the location and people were kept as a secret.

Now despite fashion being my literal goal and probable future job, Kade had been generous enough to surprise me with a dress he sent over a few days ago. And just on time too, because I had pushed the shopping trip back for studies and was just about to go when I had received the gift.

The dress I was wearing was perfect in every sense- it was sleek, red, and had a deep plunge in the back I was obsessed with. It hugged every curve possible and even pushed my boobs just slightly up where they look nicely framed- I wasn't always so forgiving of my body, but now, I was complimenting myself in every mirror I saw. (Pic at the end!:) )

When Caroline walked out a few minutes later, spraying perfume as she walked over and thanking me when I handed her purse, I took the time to compliment her as well- because wow. "Caroline, you look stunning! I'm literally going to be put to shame next to you."

"Shut up," She said with a roll of the eyes, smiling gleefully at me, "Look at you! Are you kidding me? If at least fifty people don't hit on you, I'm gonna assume the world went blind."

I reply with a laugh and went to tuck my hair behind my ears when I realised it was still slicked back from the gel Care had helped me put on- I loved the sleek looks I saw online, so with the help of Caroline, she helped me achieve that look and accentuated my features through makeup. I could've done it myself, sure, but nobody did brown eyeliner like her.

"Tag ready?"

"Ready." He replied with a grin, walking out the room looking sensible and fit in his suit. It was a simple black suit- perfect for a man like him- but I couldn't deny that he looked good.

After a few extra minutes of double checking we made our way outside where our ride was waiting. Kade wasn't able to get ready with us, having needed to be there early to greet everyone, but he made sure to send us a driver despite not actually needing it. When we got there, a man wearing all black greeted us politely then assisted us into the glossy spacious black car where champagne sat in an ice cold bucket and immediately got my best friends attention.

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