Chapter 4

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"Ivy! Hey!" Jolene called, waving me down as I walked up to her and we hugged momentarily. Her sweet-smelling perfume wafted through the air and my nose loved the scent. "How's your day been?"

I shrugged as we began walking in the direction of the main building where we had our next class together. "It's been alright. I haven't been feeling my best though... I went out last night and ever since I've just been feeling so sick."

Jolene winced at that and rubbed my forearm gently. "I'm sorry to hear that. You really don't have to come tonight then, I'd rather you stay home and feel better."

"I don't know- I might, but maybe it's just 'cause I haven't had a proper meal in a few hours. I'll probably just text you tonight or get Caroline to send a message if I don't end up going."

"Of course." She replied instantly, opening the door for me as I thanked her. "So how was last night anyways, then? Tell me all about it!"

A small smile automatically reached my lips and Jolene caught on immediately. Her eyebrows shot up and she already looked more engaged in the topic but I waited until we were settled and had our stuff set out before I began explaining. "It was surprisingly really fun. I went with this guy I just met- sketchy, I know, but Caroline knew where I was- and ended up leaving with another."

Her mouth dropped at this and I giggled, shaking my head and quickly rewording. "No, no, not like that. I ended up spilling my drink on his shirt and bought him a beer to say sorry. Turns out he was friends with the guy I showed up with so I talked to him most of the night and then he drove me home at the end... he was cute and respectful. It was nice."

She clapped her hands, smiling like mad as I rolled my eyes teasingly and got out the fabric pieces I needed. "I'm so happy for you! Did you get his number? This is perfect, really. Kind of a bummer though, I'll have to tell my guy friend you're taken."

"Taken?" I laughed, shaking my head at her antics. "I barely know the guy. But yeah, I gave him my number and I have his but we haven't texted yet. I've been too distracted."

Jolene nods and begins drawing a stencil, "I get it. You should totally text him tonight though, maybe invite him over?"

Shrugging, since I wasn't completely opposed to the idea, I stared at my phone which sat flat on the table then back up at my friend. "Maybe. Anyways, I just realised I have to pick up some stuff from the storage room so I'll be right back. Need anything?"

"Nope, thank you though!" Nodding, I left my stuff organised on the table and left the room quietly. The storage room was right down the hallway so it didn't take me far to reach it. I grabbed the fabrics and materials I needed, including pins and string, then left the room quietly. As I was reaching for the pins, I heard a weird noise come from the back of the storage room and turned the lights on immediately. I never really needed them on since I kept the door open but I wasn't taking any chances.

Peeking around the corner carefully, my items held close to my chest, my eyes shot up in surprise and I blinked twice. There Kade was, a girl hoisted up with her legs wrapped around his waist and his head hidden in between her neck. Kissing her. "I- um,.."

The words left my lips involuntarily and I cringed when he released his lips from hers and turned around, his eyes meeting mine. It took him a second to realise who I was before they widened and he quickly put the girl down, readjusting his shirt. "Ivy-Reese!" He exclaimed. I awkwardly smiled at him.

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