Chapter 1

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"Ivy-Reese, let's go before I drag you by your hair!"

"Be quiet, I'm trying! You really think I can tie my laces in five seconds?"

"You best start practising!"

I turned from the corner and rose an eye at her, letting out a small grunt when she tosses my backpack to my chest and practically rips the door open. Caroline Preshill, my one and only best friend, hated being late. If I were to describe her in three words it would be beautiful, organised and pristine. Emphasis on the organised.

Grabbing my sketch book from the floor, I fumble with the keys in my hand as I shut the door behind me and balance the book on my knee. Today was not my day. My alarm went off as per usual, I just chose to ignore it until Caroline came storming into my room and basically shoved my toothbrush down my throat. Everything kind of just when downhill from there.

Caroline was already a few steps a front of me and I jog to catch up with her. We weren't even late- she just liked being five minutes early. Always five minutes. "Gosh, woman, you need to slow down."

"Every day I contemplate leaving you there!" She jokingly threats, slowing down considerably and even taking my book from my hands to allow me to fix up my hair. I quickly wrap it into a bun and thank her as I take my book back into my hands, shoving it into my tote bag.

I grin at her. "You should've, I could really go for a coffee right now."

Caroline and I had this rule, amongst a few others, which we made before we left for university. Never leave the other behind. Metaphorically and literally we meant that; we never walked alone because, well, we were girls- but we also couldn't leave each other behind in the most miniature ways. Wherever I go, she goes, and vice versa. And if we were to break any of those rules we owed each other a coffee and a cupcake.

"Keep dreaming." She laughs, linking her arms with mine as we strolled down the path and in the direction of school. We lived off campus about a ten minute walk away which could go quicker if we just took the bus but Caroline also loved exercising. Which was... great.

I watched our feet walk in sync below us. "So, are you and Tag celebrating your third tonight?" Tag was her boyfriend of three years since today. They were everything I wanted in a relationship and more.

She beams happily. "Yeah, I'm meeting him at the bistro for dinner then he says he has a surprise planned. I'm excited."

"I'm excited for you!" I reply, "I know he's going to love the gift you got him."

"Hope so. Otherwise all my efforts will just have gone to waste." We both laugh at that, knowing Tag would literally love anything she gave him because he had the most amount of admiration for the girl compared to every other couple I know.

"Anyways, what about you? Any plans?"

I shrugged. "I'll probably stay home and continue with my project. I also have to touch up my resume, remember?"

"Oh yeah!" Caroline nodded. "For Paris, right? Jeez. That sounds so crazy when I say it out loud... my best friend, travelling all the way to France for an internship in fashion. Freaking' crazy."

Shaking my head, I bit my lip at her. We were almost at school at this point. "Maybe. I doubt it, anyways. Everyone else in my classes seem to be way ahead of me. I think a few have already sent their resumes out."

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