Chapter 15

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Hey! Running a bit late
But I'll be there soon :)

That's okay!
I'm just here with Caroline,
Take your time x

Sounds good,
See you soon!

"I'm excited." Caroline smiled, playing with the edge of her napkin being held down by her cutlery. I nodded in agreement, a smile also on my lips, and put my drinks menu down.

"Me too!" I replied, "You're gonna love Nina. She's just a year younger and I've only met her once but she was already tons of fun- her and her other friend but I haven't heard from her in a while."

"If you like her then I'm sure I will too." Care grinned. "When are Kade and his friend Ethan coming?"

My eyes looked behind her head as the restaurant doors opened and in walked the two men she'd just ask about. Kade came in second and Ethan first, both shrugging the rain water off their jackets and ruffling their hair about. I practically swooned when Kade put his hood down and ran a hand through his ashy brown locks. Using my chin to motion towards their direction, Caroline spots what I've been looking at and we wave the boys over.

It doesn't take them long to spot us and immediately smiles wash over their faces and we stand up to greet them. Ethan hugs me first, then moves around where he begins introducing himself to Care, as Kade makes his way over to me with his cheeky-cute smile. I grin in response and place my hands flat on his stomach when he's close enough. "Hey. Didn't get too caught up in the rain?"

He shakes his head, shrugging. I attempt to brush off the droplets of water on his shoulders from the waterproof jacket. "Nope, just on the way in here. You're looking good as usual."

I laugh, taking my hands off his lower stomach as his find my waist. "Thank you. You too." He bends down to peck my forehead, palms now on my cheeks, before parting from me as I move out of the way so he could greet Caroline. Ethan is already situated in the seat opposite me, an empty seat next to him probably for Nina. Kade sits besides me and Care sits at the end of the table between Ethan and I.

Kade's arm lifts itself to rest on the neck of my chair. "So, Caroline, Ethan- Ethan, Caroline." I introduce with a smile, even though the two already talked independently just minutes before. They both laugh nonetheless and give each other polite smiles.

"Nina should be here soon, by the way."

Ethan rolls his eyes jokingly. "Still can't believe she's technically part of this group now. My little sister friends with my friends.. Weird."

I tease, "You're gonna have to get used to it."

He yawns and rubs his face like the idea was ridiculous to him. I couldn't blame him, it probably was a bit weird. Neither Care, Kade or I could relate because we were only child's so I suppose our input wouldn't count. "Guess so. Whatever. You guys ordered yet?"

"Nope." Care replies, handing him a menu. He thanks her, "But we know what we want, we come here whenever we can. Same as usual, right, Ives?"

Grinning, I nod, and she nods knowingly in reply. "Of course. The berry smoothie bowl and a plate of waffles with-,"

"With fresh whipped cream on the side, approximately six strawberries because seven is too much and a little bit of powdered sugar. Fried chicken too, only if it's lunch time." Kade interrupts and finishes for me, making me turn to look at him weirdly with wide eyes. How did he even know that? I was picky with my food, call me spoilt, but I knew what I liked. Especially since I ate it so often and basically knew how big my bites should be.

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