Chapter 31

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I smiled politely at the lady and held the door open, "Thanks. Have a nice day."

"You too, miss." She returned the smile and was out the door in seconds, closing it gently behind her as I walked over to the table where all the food laid.

It was half past ten and nobody else was awake- as expected- but I was starving, and no sleeping person was going to stop me from eating. In case anyone else woke up I ordered two extra plates of food and an assortment of fruit, yogurt and cereal for myself.

I dug in quietly and tried to eat as silently as possible without waking Caroline up.

Last night wasn't a good night. It was, at the start, but near the end it definitely wasn't. I was too stiff to let loose and things with Kade were too far up my mind; not to mention Ian, who I honestly didn't even want to think about. I spent enough time staying up thinking to last me a lifetime.

One thing he said especially, however, was engrained in my mind: 'He needs to get his shit back together'.

What did that mean? Were things not okay right now?- Was there something going on in his life that he wasn't telling me? Or was Ian talking past tense; inferring that I was ruining his life in ways I didn't even know.

I had no idea. I had two hours of sleep because I let a strangers input get to me and, from that, spent my entire night building up scenarios in my head; some possible, most completely random and downright scary to even consider actually happening.

Despite all, I couldn't see Kade lying to me. He travelled all the way on a plane just to see me for a few days and travelled all the way back without complaint. Even doing work he should've done in an office in a hotel room and cafe without mumbling a single thing: it felt wrong doubting him. Truly.

But Ian. He was a friend of Kade's, and he was picky choosing friends. That had to mean something. Last night made me open my eyes up even more as well- Kade didn't just hang out with jocks and college boys, he hung out with rebels and the types of guys who vandalised for fun and got high just because. This wasn't even an assumption: I'd overheard some guys who he was talking to previously raving on about their other night.

And that freaked me out. My boyfriend could do whatever he wanted, definitely, but seeing everyone and everything got me realising I had to pay more attention and meet more of his friends. I cared for him, and I wanted to prove that in more ways than just a kiss on the lips.

A knock on the door made me snap back to reality where I realised I wasn't eating anymore. My spoon was frozen in hand and I was staring off blankly at the wall. It took me a few blinks to realise the knock came from the door connecting the boys and I's room.

"Coming." I spoke more to myself, walking quietly to the door and unlocking it gently. It'd been locked since we arrived. "Hey. You're up." Surprise was evident in my voice as a sleepy looking Ethan smiled tiredly at me.

"Hey. Yeah, woke up five minutes ago and saw light from under your door. Would've been awkward if it wasn't actually you." He grinned exhaustedly, making me laugh quietly. I opened the door wider for him to come in and looked around his room to find Kade but everything was too dark.

Ethan went to sit besides me on the small table, and I returned back to my seat. "Here." I moved the plate of eggs, bacon and bread alongside multiple other things and he smiled in thanks. I slid some painkillers over as well, and he took them immediately.

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