Important Author's Note

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Ok, I'm sorry if you guys thought that I had updated and that if you are disappointed right now-> PLS DON'T KILL ME.

This is important and has to be addressed as soon as possible. Ok so everyone knows how racism is terrible and stuff like that. But ever heard of people from other countries coming to your own home country and being racist?! That is plain ridiculous but yes my cousin and I experienced it before. I was at the shopping mall when a...Idk what race is he but he just did the motion of (idk if this is how you phrase it) the small eyes-

For those who are confused, I meant to say that that stranger pointed to our eyes and motioned 'small eyes'. Which is total junk because MY EYES ARE NOT EVEN THAT SMALL. I may be Singaporean but seriously, my eyes are averaged size! And the most ridiculous thing is, he did that in my own country, like what the HELL?!

We may be Chinese but please stop calling us 'yellow people', it is quite rude. Why do people even call us 'yellow' I have no idea. And those who think all black people are bad- you have a brain stuffed full of chicken feathers and dragon claws. Why discriminate people because of their SKIN COLOUR?! I think that is quite cool that we have many 'breeds' of humans and that we are all born to stand out, not fit in.

And that guy who called my cousin 'yellow', I'm not just looking at ya. I'll admit honestly that people are really silly nowadays. Some people's actions give others a feeling like "I won't kill you cause you're not black".

Living in multi-racional Singapore, racism is taken very seriously. We welcome people to our country of all races and we hate racism. But true to singaporean blood, if we catch anyone being racist- you might end up on Stomp, Facebook, or Insta (just sayin')

Racism must be stopped since I'm currently looking at the news and if this doesn't stop, civil war could very much happen. Don't let your country and your loved ones suffer. Those who are racist, we need you to stop cause this is getting out of hand.

I wrote this not because I want to criticise people, but because this situation is serious and needs to be addressed.

Thank you for hearing me out



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