Chapter 29

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Fast forward 2 years later.
Orraton-Marr and the Lady has been defeated. Tod HunterMoon has become Septimus' apprentice. Rose is still with Foxy and Jenna and Beetle are married.

I avoid you
Not because I want to
But because I don't want to hurt you

  "Good morning, Tod!"
  Septimus greeted his apprentice of 2 years as she stepped into the kitchen.
  "Good morning, Septimus," greeted him back as she fetched a bowl of porridge. "What will we be doing today?"
  Septimus looked at his calendar and muttered, "You'll be going for a Charms class in an hour's time then Princess Driffa is coming to the castle in Midday so we have to get ready."
  Tod cocked her head to one side at the mention of the haughty Snow Princess.
  "Why is she coming?"
  "Oh it's just for a short visit," Septimus shrugged and finished his coffee. "I'll be in my study if you need me."
  Tod watched her tutor leave the kitchen before directing her attention back to her breakfast.

  Septimus flipped through his documents and papers and finally found what he was looking for. Holding up Tod's Charm Class schedule, he wondered if he should cut short the lessons by 15 min.
  "Tod is excellent with charms now and doesn't need as much guidance and help compared to before..." Septimus muttered was he picked his pen up and started writing before he moved on to his next stack of documents.
  There was a knock at Septimus' door. Septimus called out for the person to come in as he busied himself with the last stack. The door opened to reveal the Chief Hermetic Scribe with his own stack of papers.
  "Sep! I've received a few complains about a few fights that Drammer Makken had triggered at the Manuscripton during his free time. Could you do something with him?" Beetle informed him as he passed Septimus the complaint forms.
  Septimus groaned as his read through the complains before finally grumbling, "Drammer has always caused trouble but whenever we Name him, he somehow sneaks out of the Tower! I don't have much time to deal with him today since Princess Driffa is coming today but I'll try."
  "Thanks Sep. I gotta get going before anymore trouble takes place in the old place. See ya, Sep," Beetle collected the forms and walked out of Septimus' study.
Trust the Makken brothers to spark trouble. Septimus thought grouchily.

  Tod made her way to the charm library for her Charm Class. Rose greeted her at the entrance and brought Tod into the Charm Chamber.
  "Tod! It's a pleasure to see you again. Do make yourself comfortable," Rose greeted cheerily as she quickly tidied the table and brought out a chair for Tod.
  The Charm Lesson went by smoothly and Rose and Tod had done a simple revision on how to Hear charms. But 15 minutes before the class ended, Rose stood up and said, "So sorry, Tod, but Septimus has requested that your Charm Lessons are to be cut short by 15 minutes from today onwards."
  Tod felt a little disappointed but she figured Septimus wanted her to greet Princess Driffa so she nodded her head before gathering her things and leaving.  Tod stepped onto the staircase and arrived at the Great Hall. Septimus was at the foot of the staircase waiting for her. Tod stepped off the staircase and followed behind him. They walked towards a hidden arch which was glowing bright purple.
"She's here already," Tod said, which turned out to be more of a question.
Septimus nodded and waited for the princess of the EasterSnow Plains to Come Through. Princess Driffa, the most High and Bountiful Came Through the Hidden arch with a flurry of stray snowflakes. The snowflakes floated down to the floor and melted under the summer Sun. Driffa smiled as she approach Septimus and his apprentice.
  "ExtraOrdinary, how nice to see you again!" she greeted him before turning to Tod. "Ah, our little PathFinder. Thank you for the card that you and your friends brought to the Snow Plains a month ago."
  Tod smiled and inwardly raised an eyebrow. Where had that haughty Snow Princess gone to? Driffa accompanied Septimus and Tod as they walked to the Pyramid Library and Septimus and Driffa struck up a conversation on Lapis Lazuli and Magyk. Tod listened to their conversation with avid interest as they walked up to the Pyramid Library.
  Unknown to the trio, Rose, who was hiding in the shadows, watched them as they entered the Library. Rose slipped away and travelled down the stairs to go back to the Charm Library where she, as a Charm Wizard, resided to do her daily work. Rose has felt a strange feeling as she saw Septimus talking to Driffa in a carefree way.
Was it jealousy? Rose did not know. She only wanted to borrow a book from the Pyramid Library and she was definitely not expecting any visitors to the Wizard Tower. She slipped back into her Charm Office and sunk back into her soft leather chair. Whoever that strange, pretty visitor is, she thought, was going to be trouble.

 Whoever that strange, pretty visitor is, she thought, was going to be trouble

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

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