Chapter 10-Blacklisted

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Don't get on the ExtraOrdinary's bad side
They said
But what if you get on the Queen's blacklist?
He dared
Then that will be your fall

Septimus was working late till the night. After filling Jenna in with whatever little information he had, he had gone over to the Manuscripton just to find the scribes very unhelpful when Beetle went out on another appointment. He had returned to the Wizard Tower in a foul mood and the Ordinary Wizards had all hastily scuttled out of his way as he marched up to his office.
On the table lay a few pieces of paper scribbled with notes and clues. Septimus forced back a yawn as he consulted a thick book, 'The 7777 Rules of ExtraOrdinary's powers: What Can I Do?' by the 634th ExtraOrindary Wizard and 'Acts of Thievary of the Past 12000 Years' by Mikael Boreddn II to try to make out what was happening in the Manuscripton. The most accurate guess that he currently had was that someone from the Manuscripton, most likely the person working near the Wild Bookstore, was stealing the charms. Outside, the bell chimed. Septimus counted 3 chimes. He finally let out a long yawn and started to pack up. He still had to settle a feud between two companies and handle some precious artifacts found by an Ordinary Wizard (The Ordinary Wizard, Fellen Iggor stumbled across the ancient necklace while digging up his yawn when gardening and had refused to hand the necklace over to the ExtraOrdinary Wizard stating that 'Sir Septimus knows nothing about such precious jewels!' He only recently gave in after his wife said that he was being ridiculous and extremely petty).
Septimus blew out the candles and retired to his bed.


Meanwhile, in the Palace, Queen Jenna was still awake and was in the Palace Sitting Room writing the last of the invitations to Septimus' "Congratulations" Party to celebrate his place as the 777th ExtraOrdinary Wizard.
Jenna beamed as she finally finished the lasts of the letters and sealed it tightly with the royal seal.
Hildegarde poked her head around the door way in a cheery manner despite her tiredness. "Is there a problem, Queen Jenna?"
"So sorry for bothering you, but would you mind delivering these invitations to the Castle? Except for Septimus' and Rose's one, of cource, I would like to send it to them myself."
"Oh yes, I can do it, Queen Jenna! No trouble at all!" Hildegarde replied happily, glad to finally have something to do.

After sending Hildegarde off, Jenna decided to head to sleep first before delivering the letters in the morning.


Jenna headed up Wizard Way towards the Wizard Tower.

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