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Same Day as before. Few hours later.

Belle's POV.

I was at home, preparing dinner when suddenly my phone rang. I picked it up from the dining table and saw that a number was calling me.

In curiosity, I answered it.




"How have you been?"

My ex is calling me. My ex from 5 years ago.

"Good. I've heard that you're a big-shot Broadway Producer and Composer."

"Well you know, a bit of success."

"Don't be modest. You've always been like that."

"And you've always been beautiful."

When he said that, I blushed.

I remember when he used to compliment me like that.

The way he kisses me.

The way he holds me when I'm feeling down.

"So... would you like to have dinner with me?"


"Great! I'll pick you up from your place. Just sebd me the address."

After that, he hung up.

An hout later.

We were seated at a booth in a corner.

Tue restaurant was fancy-looking.

There were chandeliers hanging above every table.

The seats were red and silk.

The pillars were decorated with gold.

This is too fancy for me.

"Uh, Jake. I think we shouldn't eat here. It's too expensive looking."

"Nonsense Belle. It's fine. It's been years since I took you out on a dinner so let me treat you."

Once we ordered, he looked at me.

"I invited to talk to you about something."

"What is it Jake?"

"Um, so you know Luke is in my show right?" I nodded at that.

"You kniw that his ex is also in that show right?" I nodded again but nervous.

"Well, I'm sorry to say this but I caught them. In the dressing room."

My jaw fell. I was lost for a second.

"What did you just say?" I asked nervously.

"I said that they were cheating on you."

"Do you have any proof?"

He nodded and showed me a video fron his phone.

I couldn't believe it! It was really Luke with Lily on the couch of the dressing room, naked. They looked like they just finished and resting.

I didn't realize that I was crying until I felt Jake's hands wipe my tears.

He immediately sat beside me and held me in his arms.

"It's ok. It's ok." He whispered and somehow, it worked. It felt like the old times.

I turned and looked at him.

I just saw his beautiful green eyes that made me fall in love the first time we met.

Because of that, I kissed him.

It felt wrong but at the same time, it felt right.

I never imagined that his lips would be on me again.

After that, we ate in silence but he tried to tell a few jokes to lighten the mood which got me smiling.

We got home and let's just say it happened so fast.

Few hours later.

We were finally asleep after 2 rounds of what we haven't done in a long time.

We were lying there, eyes just closed when I heard the dior to my bedroom opened. I looked up and saw Luke, standing there. Jaws down. Face red.

Author's Note:


Look at that. An update. Sorry if it's a short one. Just felt that I needed to write a chapter.

Looks like someone missed their ex.

Looks like both got caught.

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Thanks for reading!

Also, as you can see, this is the same Author's Note from last chapter with a few additional words.

P.S. All names of establishments and shows mentioned in this chapter are credited to the owners.

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