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Saturday, 10:00am.

I got back to my apartment after 2 hours of hanging out with Liam and Jennifer.

We talked about a lot of stuff. We haven't seen each other since last month so we have a lot of catching up to do.

When I got home, I ate my breakfast becuase I haven't eaten before our jogging.

Then, I went to the bathroom and showered really long. I was sweaty when I got home and a little tired so I needed a nice, long shower.

When I got out, I put on my favorite shirt and a sweatpants. Then, I walked out to the living room and plopped down on the couch hoping to watch some TV but I gfot interrupted with a call. I took my phone and saw that Jake was calling me. Great. I hesitated to answer but if I didn't answer, I could lose my job.

"Hello? Mr. Richards? How may I help you?"

"Hey Luke! Don't call me Mr. Richards. It makes me feel old. Anyways, I called to let you know that I've called an emergency meeting here at The New 42nd Street Studios. I got some exciting news for everyone. Come down here. It's at 10:30. See you!"

Before I could reply, he hanged up. That's why I'm currently at the subway, rushing.


I got there 5 minutes  before. I showed them my ID and headed straight to the elevator. Why do I have an ID, you ask? When I was told that I got the part, they gave me an ID to show at the reception.

I arrived at the rehearsal room 2 mintues before the time Jake said. When I entered, there were a lot of people. People who I haven't seen before.

I saw Jake at the table that was at the corner of the room. I approached him with a fake smile. When he saw me, he stood up and came to me and gave me a handshake.

"Luke! There you are! We've been waiting for you to arrive." he said cheerfully. He cleared his throat and the room was silent.

"Everyone, this is Luke. He is our male lead in the show." When he said that, everyone's eyes went wide. Then, they started talking again.

"Luke, this is your co-star." He said while turning me around. When I saw my co-star, my jaw dropped. I can't believe it!

Lily was standing in front of me. She approached me with a smile.

"Hey Luke!" She said while smiling and holding out her hand.

I took her hand and shook it. I smiled before talking. "Hey Lily."

I swear at the corner of my eye, I saw Jake smirking. What the hell is his problem? Are they planning something so they can ruin me?

After our introduction, Jake took me to meet the ensemble and some of our supporting casts. I recognized a few of them. But I especially recognized the lady who's playing my mother in the play. She was Broadway Legend "Lisa Kent"! I can't believe it! It's Lisa Kent! THE Lisa Kent! She was part of the first show I ever saw!

When I met her, she had a smile and and I returned it.

"Luke. Luke Johnson." I said while holding my hand out.

"Oh so this is the man I've heard about! I've heard you're a great actor Mr. Johnson." She said while shaking my hand.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Ms. Kent."

After that, Jake announced that we would have a table read.

Our show was about a man who is in love with a woman who is his neighbor.  Then, something unexpected happens. His ex-girlfriend moves in as his new neighbhor. Will he move on and get his crush or will everything fall apart with the return of his ex?

The show's description is like my life right now.

After the table read, I went home.

When I got home, I showered. Then, I packed my clothes because I'm going to have a vacation trip with Phillip and Monica. I forgot to tell them I need to cut our vacation from a week ibto just three days because we have rehearsals starting. So I texted Phillip.

Luke: We're still going next week right?
Phillip: Yeah man!
Luke: Well, I have something to say.
Phillip: What is it dude?
Luke: I may need to cut down our vacation from a week to three days. It's ok if you continue the vacation but I need to leave after three days. I got my big break and we're going into rehearsals.
Phillip: Sure! It's fine! We understand you. I'll tell Monica.
Luke: Thanks due! You're the best!
Phillip: No problem.
------------END OF CONVERSATION-----------

Then, I had a text. I looked at it and it was from Belle.

Hey! I haven't heard from you for the past couple of days. Hope you're doing good. Talk to you soon.

Oh shit. I forgot about that. I need to talk to her soon. Maybe go out on a dinner with her tomorrow? Fine. I'll text her now.

Hey Belle. Sorry to go MIA on you. I just went on an audition and I got the part. I've been busy. Would you like to go out on a dinner with me tomorrow?

I waited for her response. Then, I gfot a notification. It was a text from her. I opened it up.

Sure! Would love to!

Thank God she said yes!

I'll pick you up at 6?

Sounds good. 😘

Now to make a reservation.

Author's Note:

Next chapter would be the date.

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Credits to the website of The New 42nd Street Studios for the photo.

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