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After our dinner, we went back home.

Our drive was in silence. An uncomfortable silence.

I walked her to her door.

"Thank you for the dinner." she said, trying to sound happy while it is very clear to see in her face that she was sad because I reminded her of Jake.

"I'm sorry for bringing Jake up tonight. I'm sorry that he cheated on you."

"It's fine." she replied.

"No. It's not fine. He cheated on the most amazing girl I know." I said the last part with blush creeping up onto my face.

Then, I looked at her and she was blushing at the words I said.

I leaned in and she started to lean in too.

Before I knew it, my lips was on hers.

Then, we entered her apartment, lips locked with each other.

I licked her bottom lip, trying to ask for her permission and she granted it.

My tongue twisted with hers.

We pulled away from each other to breathe.

Then we went back to making out. We were still in her entrance hallway.

When we got to the living room, we pulled away from each other because we heard someone cough. We looked at the direction of the cough and saw Ash staring at us.

He looked between us. Then he broke the silence.

"Can one of you explain?" He said straightforward. Belle and i looked at each other and blushed at the same time.

"Uhhhh..." she said.

"We're together!" I said quickly. She looked at me and mouthed "We are?".
I just nodded at her.

Then, we both turned back to Ash who looked skeptically at us.

"Ok." He shrugged.

He turned back and went back to watching the TV.

"So..." I said, trailing off.

"Want to spend the night?" She asked casually.

"Sure!" I said and followed her to the bedroom.

"Well, lie down and enjoy the show."

Oh, I'm totally gonna enjoy this.

The next morning.

I woke up to the sound of an alarm.

I looked around and it was nit Belle's alarm.

Where would an alarm come from if that isn't Belle's?

Then, it hit me.

I remembered that this was a two-bedroom apartment and Ash was staying here.

Now that I think about it, I feel embarrassed because he must have heard the noises we've been making all throughout the night. My cheeks reddened while having that thought.

I looked at my side and saw Belle, sleeping peacefully. I smiled at the thought of her being my girlfriend. Now that I think about it, where would be the perfect time to ask her?

I started thinking and it clicked. Now I know where I'm going to ask her and I'm going to ask her tonight.

Author's Note:
Hey, I'm back!

This chapter just lays out what would happen next chapter.

Should I start naming these chapters instead of just calling them by number?

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I just calculated my word count from start to current and it is: 11,158 words.

Down The HallOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora