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Wednesday. 5:00pm.

It's 5!


I'm going out with Richard and Christine in 3 hours.

Oh. No. This. Is. Going. To. Be. The. Worst.

They're gonna start arguing again.

I showered again.

While showering, I thought of Belle.

Well, not in a gross way.

More of, would she say yes when I ask her to be my girlfriend?

Before I know it, I was already finished.


Where are the hell are they? We agreed to meet here in front at exactly 7:30.

While waiting, I got a call. I looked at the caller ID and it is one of the people from one of the theatre companies that I auditioned for.

"Hello? Mr. Kingston?"

"Yes. Hello Mr. Johnson. I've called to inform you that you are chosen for the final round of audition."

"Thank you so much! I've been wai- wait, what do you mean by final round of audition?"

"You see, the producers of the show watched the recording of your audition and they were impressed by it. They asked me what part you auditioned for and when I said you're auditioning for a supporting role, they ordered me to put you in the final round of audition for the lead. That is why you need to come here by Friday. Same Place at 10am. Would you be able to come?"

"Yes. Definitely Yes! Thank you again Mr. Kingston!"

After that, I hung up the phone.

I can't believe it! I'm now auditioning for the lead!

A throat cleared loudly behind me which broke my thought.

I turned around and saw Richard and Christine.

They look a little bit pissed.

"Hey guys!" I said excitedly.

"What the hell? We were supposed to be inside and watching the movie 10 minutes ago." Richard hissed.

I looked at my clock.



"I'm so sorry. You see I go-"

"No excuses Luke!" Christine shouted at me.


"Don't say that to us Luke." Richard said.

"You've always turned down our invitation to hang out and now when you accepted it, a phone call is much more important than our hang-out!" Christine shouted at me again.

"Well, I'm sorry! I got a phone call that can be my big break!" I said angrily. "I've always hung-out with you guys because I don't have anyone. Now, I have the chance to have my break and you want to take that away from me?" I said without taking a breath "And this is why you're getting a divorce! You always let your anger get to you both! You don't solve it. That is why I feel sorry for your son because he's gonna have to grow up without happy parents" With that, I turned to my car and drove off.

I saw them in my rearview mirror, running before me.

What kind of friends are they? They wanted them to be first to me than my career.


I've been at this bar for the past 2 hours. I drove away from the center of the city so I cannot be found by my friends.

I took out my phone and saw that I have 50 missed calls from my friends including Richard and Christine and a text from Belle.

I looked at her text.

Hey! Where are you? Your friends have been bugging me because they're worried about you. Now, I'm getting worried too. Come home soon! 😘

I didn't bother to reply.

I paid my bill and went to the nearest motel.

Once I got in, I slept immediately.

The next day, 10:00am.

I grabbed my phone and looked at the time!


I need to go home because I need to prepare for my audition tomorrow!

With that I drove off.


Once I got back home, I studied my lines again and sang a song that I did on my last audition.

I hope this is my chance.

Author's Note:
Hey there! I'm back!

Yeah. That's it.

Down The HallNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ