Lessons in Loyalty

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Lamar. Get the fuck off of her !

Casey. Bro chill I was was just helping her

Lamar. Helping her my fucking ass, get up Diamond let's go

Diamond. I can't
She said still giggling.

Lamar. Are you drunk !!?
Casey. I'm telling you I was helping her dog

Lamar. Back off
He scooped her up in his arms and carried her out the door.

Diamond. Put me me downnnnn
She said slurring her words.

Lamar. What the fuck is wrong with you why would you do this !!? You in a hotel room with gang members and you think this shit is funny ! This is not a game Diamond !!!

Diamond. You!
She said pointing her finger at his face.

Diamond. You treat me like I'm a game !

Lamar. I love you girl don't ever say some shit like that I fucking love you do you hear me ? I would willingly give up my whole got damn life for you do you understand that !

Diamond. You don't love me... you don't.. I hate you
Then she passed out in his arms. Lamar carried her to his car outside and took her home.

He laid her in his bed and pulled the blankets over her he sat at the edge of the bed on the floor on his knees in front of her. He stroked the side of her face and pushed her hair out of the way.

Lamar. Baby I'm so sorry... if I could take it all back I swear to you I would but you a good girl please don't go down this road because of me baby...  I wanna see you win I wanna see you do better than I did

He kissed her on the forehead and walked out of the room knowing she'll never know just how he feels now.

In the morning Diamond woke up holding her stomach and she ran to the bathroom to throw up.

Lamar. Diamond ..
He rushed in and seen her head in the toilet. He proceeded to get behind her and hold her hair back.

Diamond. Get off me!
She said coughing.

Lamar. Please let me...
Diamond. I said get off me
He moved from behind her and stood there for a second and then closed the door.

Aaliyah . Is she okay?
Lamar. She just had a lot to drink last night, where's your sister ?
Aaliyah. She said she not talking to you
Lamar. What? Tell her to get her ass out here
Aaliyah. Maliyah!!! Lamar said get your ass out here !!

Lamar. Hey don't say that
She shrugged at him.

Maliyah walked into the living room with her arms crossed.

Maliyah. What ?

Lamar. Don't what me what the hell is wrong with you?

Maliyah. I'm not talking to you
Lamar. Okay drama queen may I ask why ?

Maliyah. You got somebody pregnant on Diamond you messy, you a player I thought you were better than that

Lamar took a deep breath as he realized his sister was being serious.

Lamar. Look this is grown up business okay, but I didn't play her you know that

Maliyah. Clearly I don't know shit

Lamar. Okay that's enough watch your mouth ! You know what go to your room

Maliyah. That's what I was already doin

She crossed her arms again and turned around to walk away then slamming her door.

Lamar. Why is she actin like that?

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