Shootout at my Crib

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A couple of days had gone by and Diamond remained in the hospital. She was conscious now and Lani stayed with her. While she was in and out of consciousness she remembered her and Lani had spoken to her dad. Derell was concerned and it took a lot of convincing for him to not leave his newborn baby in Texas and come see Diamond. Diamond reassured him that she was going to be okay.

Diamond. Did anyone else come by to see me?
She was wondering if Casey knew where she was or if Gina had come by but secretly she was hoping Lamar cared enough to visit her.

Lani. No darling it's just been me here

Even though she knew Lamar had come to visit her she was so upset that he was the reason she was acting out that she wanted Lamar to stay far away from her so she could heal her daughter.

But hearing that hurt Diamond, had Lamar really given up on her, he didn't even come by to check on her or to see her. Maybe the last time she saw him was really goodbye.

Diamond. Okay..

Lani. I took a couple of weeks off of work so we can figure out what to do about this, Diamond what the hell have you been doing ? Do you have any idea how many drugs the doctor found in your system? How many you tested positive for?

Diamond. Yeah...
Lani. He's suggesting rehab for you Diamond and I think it's a good idea

Diamond. I don't need rehab mom I just want to sleep

Lani. I'm going to talk to your father about it and if you arent going to tell me what you've been up to I'll be talking to him about putting you in therapy as well

Diamond turned over in the bed away from her mom.

Lani. I'm only doing this because I love you

Then Diamond heard the door close behind her. She still never got her phone back she had no idea what was going on outside all she could think was Lamar and the twins were really done with her this time. It might be nice to get away from the dangers of being around the city and go to rehab. She knew she couldn't run from Casey for long, he'd find her eventually or he'd come after the people that she loved.

The doctors came in and explained that she might be experiencing withdrawals over the next couple of days and encouraged her to come back if they got too bad. Then they discharged her. She was afraid to be outside in the open, paranoid that Casey was watching her every move.

Lani took Diamond home and she took a shower. A nice hot shower with her favorite smelling soap and facial scrub. Little things like this that she had taken advantage of before. She went back into her room everything was like she had it before a picture of her and Lamar still hung on the wall and her cute candle sat on top of her dresser. The purple sheets in her bed were made and she climbed into it.

Not too long later she could smell Lani cooking in the kitchen, a nice home cooked meal she couldn't wait, all she had the previous weeks was McDonald's.

Diamond kept her windows locked. Occasionally she would daydream that Lamar would show up at her window. She hated to admit that she missed him dearly. She wondered what him and the twins were up to or how far along Charity was...

She thought about sneaking out of the house to see what he was up too but her mom had her on a tight leash and she was afraid of being spotted on the streets anyway. And if he knew she was in the hospital and didn't come to see her maybe it was best she stay away from him.

Lani. Dinners ready !
She yelled from the kitchen. A pot roast she could smell with carrots and potatoes. Her stomach growled as she made her way to the kitchen.

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