Don't Leave Me

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When Diamond came to she was still on the couch nobody was around anymore but she glanced over and seen Lamar on the floor.

Diamond. Lamar...
She said softly.

Diamond. Lamar please... please get up
She tried to use all her body strength to pull herself up on the couch but it wasn't working.

Then Casey appeared from out of the kitchen.

Diamond. What did you do?

Casey. Seems like everybody done forgot who the hell I was around here, this nigga came over here demanding shit and the nigga owe me money, Gina come get her!
He yelled. She came out of the bedroom and grabbed Diamond.

Diamond. No let me go

Gina. Come on Diamond this is grown man business

Diamond. Lamar wake up!
She desperately yelled.

Diamond seen Casey take a gun out of his pants and watched him approach Lamar's unconscious body on the floor.

Diamond. No Casey please

He pointed the gun at Lamar's head.

Casey. You can't offer me anything and clearly neither can this nigga, worthless

Diamond. Please, please I'll do anything,
She pleaded with him.

Casey. Not good enough
He said cocking the gun back

Diamond. I'll pay you back! I'll pay you back whatever he owes I'll pay you

Casey. You don't have that kind of money laying around stop wasting my motherfucking time

Diamond. I'll stay here Casey! I'll do whatever you want I'll work for you ! I'll sell for you whatever just please !
She pleaded once more

Casey. you'll work for me ?

Diamond. I will, I will

Casey. You'll make me money right?

Diamond. Yes  I promise just please don't shoot him

He pointed the gun away from Lamar.

Casey. You must really love this nigga, I heard the news... a baby huh?

Diamond looked at Lamar laying unconscious on the floor.

Casey. Well I guess a congratulations is in order step mommy
He laughed.

Casey. Fucking pathetic

Lamar sat his head up off the floor and Diamond could see the bruises and pool of blood he was laying in.

Lamar. Diamond...
He said faintly.

Casey. Get yo ass up out my motherfucking house Lamar

He used objects nearby to help him get on his feet but he was still doubled over in pain.

Lamar. I'm not leaving here .... without her

Casey. I'll beat yo ass again nigga don't play with me

Lamar. Diamond, let's go

Casey. She doesn't wanna go with you, she's having a great time here
He put his arm around her shoulder.

Lamar. I wanna hear that from her

Diamond. Go Lamar...

Lamar. You don't mean that D come on

Diamond. I do, I wanna stay, I told you I don't wanna be with you anymore, just go
She couldn't look at him like this.

Lamar. Look me in my eyes and say that to me

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