We Can Go Home Now

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Lamar was giving Diamond a gun. It was time she knew how to protect herself. It was too bad she didn't have anything to use as target practice, anyway the sounds of gunfire would alarm the neighbors. Nonetheless she would get some practice. They were going out to look for the twins again. They headed out the door.

Lamar. Wait I forgot something stay here
He ran back in the house and left Diamond on the front porch.
A few moments later she could see something in the distance.

She squinted her eyes to see in the dark and started down the stairs of the porch to get closer. That's when she seen.

Diamond. Lamar!!!!
She screamed and ran down the street to Maliyah carrying her sisters body.

Lamar came to the door quick and peeked to see Maliyah carrying Aaliyah and he dropped everything and ran out the door as well. When he got to her. Maliyah was covered in blood and tears and Aaliyah not breathing.

Diamond. Oh no Aaliyah, what, what happened Maliyah, where...

Lamar. Move
He shoved Diamond out of the way and took Aaliyah out of Maliyah's arms and started to head back toward the house. Maliyah fell to her knees and sobbed.

Diamond got down beside her and hugged her.
Diamond. Come on
She said crying to.

Diamond. We have to get you inside...
She helped her up off the ground and into the house.

Lamar had laid Aaliyah on the couch and he was on his knees in front of her with his head bowed.

Maliyah. I...
She tried to choke out.

Diamond. No shhh, go take a shower you have to get this blood off you

She said quietly to her and hurried her off to the bathroom. She knew Lamar was going to be furious with her. She just wanted to give him some time to calm down.

After getting Maliyah in the shower. She took her clothes and put them in trash bags and Diamond made her way back to the living room where Lamar hadn't moved a muscle.

She put her hand on his back and let the tears roll down her face. She watched this girl grow up and become her own woman and now she laid here dead what had they gotten into in just a week.

Lamar. She killed her sister
He said quietly.

Diamond. Now we don't know what happened baby

Lamar. I don't care I know it wasn't her idea to leave this got damn house, she was following her!

Diamond. We have to hear her out first, we can't just assume...

Lamar. No I want her out of my motherfucking house

Diamond. She left before Lamar and look where they ended up

Lamar. Yeah she left because she had a choice this time she doesn't... I want her out of my damn house and I never want to see her again
His voice started cracking.

Lamar. She killed her... she can't take this back

Diamond. I think... maybe it's best to have her stay with Charity for a while... they'll understand...

Lamar. I don't care where she goes as long as it it's not in this fucking house

Maliyah stayed in the shower for a while. Lamar never left Aaliyah's side on the couch and Diamond sat at the kitchen table trying to figure out what they would do next.
Maliyah came out of the bathroom and went straight to her room.

When Diamond came in she closed the door behind her and locked it. She seen Maliyah sitting on her knees on the side of Aaliyah's bed.

Maliyah. I really thought I could take care of us... I never.... I never wanted this to happen
Diamond. Where did you go Maliyah?

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