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The next few days went by slow. Charity went home back to Washington. Lamar and Maliyah stayed behind to go to Diamonds burial. Maliyah watched the baby. Charity thought that maybe keeping Liyah would make Lamar feel better but it didn't. He wasn't himself.

He didn't sleep at night. He didn't eat. He smoked and smoked and pretty much left the responsibility of Liyah to Maliyah the last few days. But she didn't mind it she knew he was dealing with a lot.

He couldn't look at their old pictures anymore because all he seen now was her dead lifeless body. He couldn't believe he had to be the one to find the love of his life dead and feeling like he could've stopped it. Maybe he should have never stopped by her house that night or told her anything about Charity and him moving or getting married. What set her off? What made her do it? And why he wasn't there for her... again...

The house was fully packed up now and today was the day they were leaving.

Maliyah. Are you sure you don't want me to go with you?
Lamar. No I'm just going to go to the burial and we leave right after... I can't stand to be in this god forsaken town anymore

Maliyah. I know... we've lost a lot...
She said putting her hand on his shoulder.

Lamar. Watch Liyah... I'll be back

Maliyah. Lamar...

Lamar. Yeah?
He said softly.

Maliyah. I love you... were going to be fine as soon as we get out of here and start over right?

Lamar. Right.. I love you too sis, I'll be back

He drove to the burial site and wasn't surprised to be the only one there. She didn't have any family left, or any friends, her dad was probably back in Texas and had no idea what had even come of his daughter. When she was put in the ground. Lamar sank to his knees and gripped the freshly put soil beneath him.

Lamar. I love you D, please forgive me
His tears fell on to the earth under him and he sat there with the love of his life in silence.

He heard footsteps walk up behind him. Lamar stood up and turned around and felt a ringing in his ears then he felt nothing at all. His body fell back on top of the gravesite and his blood splattered the soil.

A single gunshot wound to the head.

Casey. Till death do y'all mother fucking part amen

He looked around and walked out of the graveyard and into his car where Travis and Roxane were.

Casey. You know where the sister at ?

Travis. She's at the house

Roxane and Casey sat and loaded their guns in the car.

Casey. Let go then nigga last stop

Back at the house Maliyah was sitting on the front porch with the baby.

She heard a gunshot not to far away and stood up from her chair and She pushed the baby's car seat behind the stone wall of the porch.

From down the street she could see a car that looked quite familiar approaching the house.

Maliyah. Travis..
She said under her breath.
She ran inside the living room and grabbed the biggest gun she could find and she began shooting at the car.

She fired off so many rounds to the car that it flipped over in the middle of the street then exploded. The baby started to cry with all the commotion.

Maliyah. Fuck. I have to make sure he's dead...
I'll be right back Liyah I promise

She ran down the stairs with her gun still aimed at the car which was now on fire.

Maliyah could see Casey's body burning and him reaching his hand out of the broken window.

Casey. Help... meeee
He wheezed.

His body was charred flesh was falling off of his skin and he screamed in agony. In the front seat she would see Travis and Roxane bloody and unconscious.

Maliyah. I'll see you in hell motherfucker
She said with her gun aimed at his head and she shot him.

At this point neighbors were beginning to come out of their homes and Maliyah quickly ran back to the porch, picked up Liyah in her carseat and got in a car and drove off.

In the backseat Liyah screamed her head off.

Maliyah. I'll take you to see your mommy now...
She said with tears in her eyes.


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