It Doesn't Have To Be This Way

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Today was the day of the baby shower. Charity's family was not happy to see that she was pregnant at such a young age of 19 and not to mention to someone they hardly knew.

Lamar stayed to himself the only family he had around was Aaliyah and Maliyah who were not thrilled that he was having a child, well not with Charity. He sat in the background and scrolled on his phone. The twins stayed at the food table eating all the sweets they could find. Charity bonded with her parents and family and showed off her baby bump. They rented out a space and decorated it. Yes this was a baby shower but they had also agreed to keep the gender hidden until the baby shower so everyone would know.

Charity. Can I talk to you?
She said with her arms crossed standing over Lamar.

Lamar. Yeah sure
He walked outside with her.

Charity. Should I just tell everyone to go home?
Lamar. Why would you do that?

Charity. Everyone here can see you are not into this..
Lamar. I'm sorry it's just... you know how much I have going on... I'm sorry

Charity. Is it always going to be like this? Even when the baby gets here?
She held her head down realizing that Lamar might never come around to this.

Lamar. No
He said putting his hand on her belly.

Lamar. No of course not
Then he pulled her into a hug.

Lamar. Im sorry, I'm being selfish, this is your big day

Charity. Our...

Lamar. Yes our big day, I'm sorry I'll be more involved, no more gang, no more Diamond, no more anything else
Charity. You promise ?

Lamar. Yeah
It was hard for him to make that promise but after the last couple of weeks he hadn't had any luck in finding Diamond. He watched Casey and followed him on multiple occasions and he never came across Diamond or even seen her. He had to focus even though it didn't feel right.. knowing she was out there knowing she was probably struggling but whenever he thought of her something always took him back to her last words to him... she said that loving him was a mistake, she wanted to stay she told him to leave. Was it time to respect her wishes...

Lamar became more involved in the baby shower games and met up with Charity's family. Aaliyah and Maliyah watched from afar but Maliyah kept a dirty look on her face the whole time. She out of the two, was probably taking Charity's pregnancy the hardest and her offer still stood to get Aaliyah out of there with her.

Nighttime fell and it was time to find out the gender. Charity's mother bought a cake, white on the outside and when you cut it open it was supposed to tell them the gender. Everyone stood around the table while Lamar went to grab the cake from the back fridge. His Apple Watch kept beeping letting him know it was going to die soon and even though he kept turning off the ringer he could still feel it vibrating.

Aaliyah. Need help?
She said peeking her head in.

Lamar. No sis I got it, thank you, I'll be out in a second

She went to rejoin everyone else he realized he must had been taking a while. Aaliyah knew he wasn't taking any of the news so well. Let's get this cake out, he thought.

He picked it up and walked out of the back room. Half way across the room his Apple Watch beeped again. He could see a text. His eyes widened as he read the text and he dropped the cake revealing a pink core.

Charity. LAMAR!
She yelled and then started to cry.

Charity. You ruined it!!!
Maybel. Boy what the fuck!

But Lamar wasn't listening. He was reading the text over and over again. It was from Lani.

Text from Lani
I found Diamond, she's in the hospital

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