I've Got Connections

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Diamond went back home after that long talk with Lamar. She got on Instagram and just began to scroll when she seen Gina's posts from last night. They must have exchanged social media or something when she was drunk..

Diamond DM'd her.
"Hi Gina it's Diamond"
"What's up!"
"Just a quick question you have anymore you know... to smoke on you"
"Girl yeah but I don't smoke people out for free"
"I was actually looking to buy"
"Oh say less, I'm out with Roxane doing deliveries now, drop the addy"

It took about an hour for her to show up.

Gina. What you looking to buy?

Diamond. Just weed

Roxane. Girl duh, what strain ?

She got this strange feeling even at the party last night that Roxane did not like her for whatever reason and she couldn't quite figure out why.

Gina. Oh give her a break she a first timer, girl we got Indica, Sativa, and hybrid but considering you been going through it I
Could highly recommend a strain of Indica

Diamond. Okay how much?
Gina. 35$ for a 8th

She payed Gina and even gave her extra to show her how to roll. Roxane hung back and just watched the two. She didn't say much to her the whole time she was there.

Once the girls left Diamond went outside to spark up. Her tolerance was so low since she didn't really smoke before that it would only take her a couple of hits to actually get high. When her mom would come in from work she would just hide in her room but she was so tired that she wouldn't even notice all Diamond did was stay in her room. One day she was chillin and she got a call.

Diamond. Hello?
Aaliyah. Diamond hi, I'm sorry I didn't know who else to call
She said crying.

Diamond. Hey sweetie what's wrong?
She asked sitting up off the bed.

Aaliyah. I can't find Maliyah

Diamond. What do you mean?

Aaliyah. Maliyah and Lamar have been fighting a lot and they fought last night and I can't find her she's not answering the phone
Diamond. Did you tell Lamar? Where is he?

Aaliyah. He's with Charity
Hearing that name again just triggered her and all of her anger again but she couldn't take it out on the twins they didn't do anything to deserve that.

Diamond. I will help you look for her okay
Aaliyah. Please don't tell Lamar he was already mad

Diamond. I won't

She hung up the phone and got back on Instagram to check Maliyah's profile. It looked like she was out with a guy, at an arcade that looked pretty familiar. It was one that Lamar used to take the twins too when they were younger.

She left the house and took the bus to the arcade on the beach. She walked around for a while until she spotted Maliyah and a guy with two braids. He did look a bit older for her age.

Diamond. Hey Maliyah

Maliyah. Oh... hi Diamond

Diamond. Who's your friend?

Maliyah. This is Travis...
She said lowly. The boy smelled like weed but Maliyah didn't look high.

Diamond. Nice to meet you Travis do you mind if I have a word with Maliyah?

Travis. Yeah I'll be inside

She turned to Maliyah who had an embarrassed look on her face.

Diamond. You know your sister is worried sick about you?

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