I'll Be Here

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Lamar sat outside Diamonds house for a while. Contemplating going back in but he knew he couldn't. He knew eventually he would have to leave her and this was for the best. She's a smart bright girl. She'll be okay. She'll learn to be without him and as painful as it was he would learn to. For five years Diamond was his best friend and the love of his life and he never thought it would end like this.

He drive off a little after 1am and headed back to the hospital.

Charity. Where did you disappear off too?
She said holding Liyah.

Lamar. I had to go clean the house before we got home

But Maliyah knew he was lying his eyes were red like he was crying.

Maliyah. When are we going home?

Lamar. Tomorrow doctor said everything looks good so we can get out of here and start packing

Maliyah. Are we really leaving?

Lamar. Yeah we have to for Liyah and for you to Mal

Maliyah. I can take care of myself you know that

Lamar. Well I'm not leaving you out here by yourself and you know that so you are coming with us

As usual she rolled her eyes at him.

Charity. I know you are only marrying me because my mom said something about us but I'll make sure you guys come even if we aren't married...

Lamar. You know I just think it's what's best for our family for us to be united and be a unit stronger together right ?

Then Charity smiled at him.

They all stayed overnight but in the middle of the night the baby's health started to get bad so they had to keep Charity and Liyah in the hospital longer.

Once Liyah was stabilized Lamar and Maliyah headed to the house to pack.

Maliyah. It feels wrong to pack up her side of room...

Lamar. I know...
He said hugging his sister.

Lamar. You know she's still with us Mal

Maliyah. What about Diamond?

Lamar. I stopped by her place yesterday let her know what's up

Maliyah. She's okay with us leaving?

Lamar. She's going to have to be, come on let's get started

They began packing up the rooms and when Lamar was almost done with his he stopped and seen the note that Diamond wrote to him she was right they were never able to come back from the fact that he was having a baby. Things just had to be this way. He folded the note and put it in his wallet and continued to pack up the house.

Maliyah. We can't take these guns through security

Lamar. I know let me worry about that
They discussed as they seen the arsenal he had in the living room.

Lamar. Just leave it there for now I'll deal with it

Maliyah. I wanna go say goodbye to Diamond before we leave

Lamar. You can go tonight and we'll leave right after tomorrow, I just don't want to give her a reason to come back here

Maliyah. You used to love her and now you're avoiding her..

Lamar. I'm not avoiding her... I do love her that's why I have to leave her I can't put her through anymore pain then I already have ... I just can't

Maliyah. I understand.. I must have been hard to say goodbye

Lamar. I wish it didn't have to be this way, if it could have it my way she would come with us but I have to worry about the safety of my daughter above her or my feelings right now

Maliyah. Yeah...

After spending majority of the day packing they ordered a pizza and watched a movie. The plan was to pick up Charity and Liyah from the hospital and go straight to the airport. It wasn't safe to have them two back at the house while Casey was still around and he just didn't want to take that risk.

Lamar. Come on I'll drive you to say goodbye to Diamond
Maliyah. Okay

They got in the car and drove down the street. The nights were off and the house was dark.

Lamar. Go ahead I'm going to wait in the car...

Maliyah. You really don't wanna see her again?

Lamar. Just... tell her I love her okay ?

Maliyah. You're so complicated...
She rolled her eyes at him.

She jumped out of the passengers side and walked up to the house. She knocked a few times and no one answered.
She turned around and shrugged her shoulders at Lamar.

Lamar. Maybe she's not home...

Maliyah. Where the hell else would she be?
She crossed her arms.

Lamar rolled his eyes and got out of the car. He walked up to the door and knocked again.

Lamar. Diamond ?
But no answer.

He peeked in through the window and seen the silhouette of a body.

Lamar. Fuck, fuck, fuck

Maliyah. What ?!

Lamar. Move!
He said picking up a rock and throwing it breaking the window and climbing in and inside he saw Diamond.

She had hung herself in the middle of the living room.

Lamar. Nooo! Fuck Diamond !!!

He ran to her and lifted her from the rope. And held her on the floor.

Lamar. Somebody help!!!!
He screamed.

Maliyah covered her mouth in shock and backed up into the corner.

Lamar. Somebody fucking help!!!!

He shook her. Her lips were blue and her face was lifeless.

Lamar. Diamond why would you do this why!! Why!! Why would you do this!!! I'm sorry I'm fucking sorry come back mamas I'm sorry, fuck im sorry I'll fix it I'll fix it I'll fix it
He cried.

Lamar. I'll fix it D

He said holding on to her and rocking back and forth on the floor.

The police and the ambulance came. Her time of death was 12:56 am the day before. Meaning Lamar was still parked outside of her house while she was hanging herself.

Maliyah. It's not your fault
She said hugging him outside.

Lamar. I could have saved her.. I was here... I didn't want to go in again I just thought... I just thought I was making it easier for her if I walked away... I just wanted it to be easier for her...
He cried in his sisters arms.

Maliyah let a few tears fall but she was trying to be strong for Lamar.

Lamar. I could've saved her...

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