sleep next to me

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Ella's pov:

Is it weird that we are going to sleep next to each other in a house full of empty rooms in the middle of day . I think so.

We reached my room and hesitantly open my room door and went inside my room and it is a freaking mess. I slightly smiled at Chris and said " sorry for the mess, give me a minute " he smiled back and  helped me clean my room well clean my bed so we could sleep. While clearing out all the books from my bed he said
" Did you read all this books in just three days?"

" Well grandma said there will be a witch ceremony shortly after Christmas so I need to be ready." I sighed and he nodded in agreement.

I made the bed but it is silly because we are going to sleep in it now.
When I turned around Chris is taking his shirt off and I'm just staring at his abs  with a slightly opened mouth. I quickly gained my conscious and looked at his face and he is smirking at me. My face turned red and I said " why are you  taking your shirt off "

" Well I sleep with just my boxers so.." he sai and unbuckled his belt

" No!! Noway I'm letting you do that either you sleep with your pants on are you won't sleep next to me at all" he sighed and hopped on bed and patted the space next to him.

I quietly laid next to him and closed my eyes but I can't sleep there is still something missing. I sighed and turned my back towards Chris.

After a minute he sneaked his hand around my waist and held me so close and so tight like if he left me now I maybe get lost. I opened my mouth to say something but he just hushed me.

" Pls let me hold you Ell, I waited so long for this" he nuzzled his head into my neck and took a deep breath.
" Your smell is intoxicating ell." And he kissed me on my neck and a gasp left my mouth. He just chuckled and whispered
" Go to sleep ell" and I slowly drifted off to sleep in his warm embrace.

I woken up from the sound of my alarm ringing I groaned in annoyance and tried to get up but I can't then I realized it's Chris's hand that's held be down I carefully take his hand off me but my alarm is on his side of the bed . So I put my one leg on other side of Chris and tried to reach the alarm when Chris spoke.
" Well good morning to you too." He startled me and I thought I'm falling off of him but he held my waist from falling my face is so close to his that felt like our lips are touching when I looked up at his eyes I saw them glowing and I quickly got off him.
" Your eyes, they are glowing." I said kind of scared.

He quickly closed his eyes and opened them and they were ocean blue as his original eyes.

" I thought your eyes only turn to black colour."

" Well they turn black when I'm angry."

" Then why do they glow like that."

" Well they glow because..." He is about to say something and I looked at the clock and it's almost 9 am in the morning we slept for an whole day my parents would have returned home.

" Oh my god it's 9 am you should get out of my room. Oh god what if my dad already saw us."

" Relax nobody saw us " I didn't even listened to him I rushed out if my room and into the living room I saw my dad and my mom are sleeping on the same couch.

" Dad mom what happened why are you sleeping on the coach? where is grandma?"

" Ho honey we got so drunk last night, your grandma drove us home."my mom said getting up.

" Well I thought my daughter and my son-in-law has capacity for shots but apparently they didnt" my  grandma said coming out of the kitchen. I just giggled at her comments.

" Looks like someone at home had good time too" she smirked looking at me.

" Well I slept well last night so that good right." I said innocently .

" That's good honey." She said tauntingly.

I just rolled my eyes and went to my room to freshen up.

When I came back to the kitchen to have my breakfast I saw Chris and my dad talking to each other and laughing loudly.

" Ho ell, come sit with us and have some breakfast" dad said and I nodded and looked at Chris he just smirked at me and then winked thankful my dad didn't see it.

And the rest of the day went on normally but I'm seeing Chris everywhere I go.

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