BCH. 1 - Zekaj's First Day of School

Start from the beginning

"Just the basics like math, science, etcetera."  Hunter responded.

"So no magic?  At all?"

"Magic is an independent study for me.  Most parents teach their kids."

They both went quiet for the rest of the car ride to the school.  It wasn't out of the ordinary for Hunter to be quiet on his way to school so it didn't raise suspicion.  He just stared out the window watching the trees pass on the way.

Once they got to the school itself, a plain-looking brick building.  The two of them got out of the car and stared at the school.

"So that's it."

"Yeah, what were you expecting?  It's a school."

"Something better than this at least."

Hunter couldn't help but let out a small laughter.  Thankfully no one was paying attention to him like usual.

He finally got into the school itself which was as basic looking as the outside.  The walls were a boring tan color with bright red lockers and random posters strung around the walls.  A banner still hung at the entrance that said "Welcome Back Students."

Hunter got to his locker and had begun putting his code, 08-16-03, into his locker.  He shoved his book bag into his locker, grabbing his items for the first 3 classes of the day.  He knew he'd have time to replace these with the ones for the rest of the day after lunch.  His school's lunch was set up into three separate times, each class had either a, b, or c lunch, sadly he had the latest one.

He closed his locker just in time to see AJ and his sister talking to each other already.  He quickly walked past AJ and his friends Max and Tess, he had an arm around the shoulder of Max.

"So that's AJ."  Zekaj said in his head.


"The one I'm killing."

"Woah!  We never agreed to that."  Hunter corrected him quickly.

"Just joking dude.  It'd be easy though.  They're just Wolves."

"Wait AJ's a wolf?"  Hunter was stunned.  Was he really that dumb that he missed that?

"Your parents really told you nothing."  Zekaj said.  Zekaj being a demon meant he could easily sense the supernatural unlike Hunter.

Hunter didn't reply and just continued to class.  His first class of the day was biology.  His teacher never made the most sense to him so he always just used his book to learn.

The class had only been going on for 30 minutes when Zekaj started to get restless.

"So how much longer are we here?"

"Around an hour.  Four "blocks", each "block" is about an hour and a half with lunch being the longest one."  Hunter explained the way his school did classes.

"So we leave in..."  Zekaj started.

"Around Seven plus hours."

"Fuck this."  Zekaj groaned in Hunter's head.

"Yeah it's terrible." Hunter agreed, resting his head on his arms that were laying flat on the desk.


Hunter finally entered his house with Zekaj in his mind.  The second he closed the door Zekaj left Hunter's body.  Zekaj stood there shirtless, his hair coated chest exposed as usual and began stretching. 

Hannah had gone to AJ's and Zekaj could feel that Hunter's parents weren't in the house.

"Gods that's boring as fuck."  He said, continuing to stretch his arms out, his bicep's veins popping out more as stretched and lifted random things.  Hunter watched on as he became less tense.

"That's the longest I've ever sat like that in a body."  He said flopping onto the couch next to Hunter, his big body rubbing against Hunter.

"Only four more days till the weekend."  Hunter said.  Zekaj quickly turned to him, staring deep into his eyes.

"You're telling me I have to do that 4 more times?"

"And the weeks after that too."  Hunter added.  Zekaj groaned, throwing his back against the couch.

"So how long do we have to do this?"  He asked.

"Well it's September now, so uh till May?  Then we have summer break, go back at the end of august and repeat for two more years."  Zekaj groaned even louder.

"Oh but we got winter break and spring break!"  Zekaj quickly looked at him again this time smiling.

"That's nice I guess.  How long does it last?"  Zekaj questioned.

"Uh, spring break for a week, winter break is like two to three."

"I was hoping for at least a month each."  Hunter agreed that that would be much better than what they got.

Hunter got up from the couch to head to his room, grabbing his book bag along the way.  He stopped to turn to Zekaj to tell him what he was doing homework when Zekaj ran into him, almost knocking him down, luckily Zekaj caught him.

"Oops."  Zekaj said.

Hunter stared at Zekaj's tanned muscular body for a bit before realizing he needed to reply.  "It's fine."  He awkwardly laughed.  He left Zekaj's grip and they both headed up the stairs.

I got really inspired today and suddenly this was a mini-chapter.  I really wanted to write Zekaj's first day of school and his experience with it. This chapter takes place midway through the 2nd chapter between the first day Zekaj was summoned and Hunter's birthday.

I hope to get the next chapter out by the end of the week.  I have the outline done and have started writing the draft.


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