Startling Silences

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'A couple Million, Thousand words is all I ask of you

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'A couple Million, Thousand words is all I ask of you. Is all I want to say too you.
Yet between you and I,
There isn't even goodbye, only a billion sighs.'
I woke up to the a pair of deep grey eyes staring straight at me. And I felt a certain wetness on my face.

"Cleo!" I bellowed getting out of bed in a hurry and rushing to wash the dog slather of my face. When I was done, Cleo was still right where I'd left her. Looking expectedly at me, what do you want? I thought.
Then I realised AJ's side of the bed was empty. Was it morning?
I checked the clock, it was barely 3 am.

Where on earth was he?
The thundering had stopped, but the rain still poured dangerously.
I slipped on something to cover me up and headed outside. I decided to go down to the kitchen instead of the roof. I don't know why, but I felt as if the kitchen was the right choice.

Sure enough when I reached down, with Cleo on my heels. I saw a very sleepy AJ almost passed out near the bay window area in the hall. He was wearing a sleeveless loose t-shirt with long holes on the sides. And I could see all his beautiful tattoos. The words, the boat, the dragonfly and of course the Cresent Moon.

I remembered what he had once told me, when I asked him where his three stars were. He'd told me that I was them.

I felt a shiver go through me, I didn't know what it was. I slowly went towards him. There was a computer open infront of him. And he'd drawn a mind map on a piece of paper. There were pictures splayed all over the computer. With articles on the past disappearances traced back to the Emeralds. Pictures of digs, and a few people holding the cursed treasure with wide smiles not knowing the treacherous roads they'd walked into.

In all my sleepy curiosity, I'd stepped a bit closer and on his foot. Which made him yelp up in suprise. In turn making me slip and almost fall onto him.

He however stopped the fall with two firm hands holding me up by the waist. I got up slowly and moved to the side.

His eyes were wide and his hair everywhere. But then when he saw the slow grin came onto my face. His eased as well and we both laughed at my clumsiness.

"What are you doing up so late AJ?" I asked finally sitting down next to him.

He sat up straighter and ruffled his hair before answering.
"I couldn't sleep. I needed to get some sort of a understanding related to the Emeralds, how the hell are they so intertwined with my family?"

"Do you believe that there's really a curse?" I questioned.

He sighed and made a face.
"The articles and many, many strange occurrences do suggest so. Yet I feel that it's more man made than what the eye sees."

"I feel so too. I think it's all some sort of conspiracy. These are very valuable aren't they? And they seem to be the only ones of their kind." I said staring into one of the pictures of the Emeralds.

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