The Last Tide

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AJ was frozen he seemed utterly lost

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AJ was frozen he seemed utterly lost. Everyone was quite, even the strange man. I slowly trailed my hand down AJ's and held it. He clasped it immediately.

"Who is that?" I whispered, so very slightly.

"He's my-my" AJ was phrasing.

"I'm home Aidan, and I'm here for you. And you only. I hope you know that." The man said, his voice was deep and hoarse.

He stepped forward, closer to AJ and in the light one could see the silver scar etched onto his structured face. From his left eye, till his chin.

He had green eyes. The same green AJ had. He finally hugged AJ in a speedy whisk. AJ clung on to him like a fish out of water. He still seemed too shocked.

The man's hat fell off, revealing hay gold hair, the same gold as AJ's.
Cleo came running from somewhere and then she too pounded on the man.

At first it seemed like ferocity, but later I realised she was licking and jumping around him.

"Ahh Cleo beo, look at my girl. How much she's grown." He said.

"Uncle Edmund? How are you-you died before I? AJ muttered.

Uncle Edmund! U.E. That was him. Green eyes, green emerald. This was the man we'd all been looking for so long! But AJ's uncle! I had not seen that coming.

"I thought you died before AJ was even born," I blurted.
He finally looked at me. With that naked gaze of his. Somehow I didn't want to run. I wanted to know more.

"I did almost die. But death can be cheated." He spoke more firmly now.

Lily was still mad for some reason. G seemed tired. Jesse and Willow seemed interested. Irene and Sam were more than willing to listen on. And Jake had a look of concern. He was looking at AJ.

"Tell us why, how, when, where, everything there is to know Uncle. Or else just walk out the door. I'll just pretend you don't exist. Like I always did." AJ said stepping forward.

"I'll tell you everything," Edmund replied carefully.

No one hesitated, everyone sat around Edmund, some eager, some with their lips pursed and some wary.

But everyone willing to listen for answers.

Your father and I, we were very close. And very rich. Our family was royalty. Alas with old money comes old tradition. And for love Eric was ready to break all tradition. He was deeply and irrevocably in love with Odette. You see, Odette was just so different. From a different world, and she loved Eric. She was willing to change herself for him. They both did, make immense sacrifices for eachother. And everything was well. Even after Aidan was born. We were so happy. Then we moved here, for a better life. In this very beach house. That's when things went bad.

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