Trials of Green: 1

379 11 3

"Are you ready?" John asked

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"Are you ready?" John asked.

He was standing beside me in the hall. We were adorned with our disguises. And were told to wait until Edmund had the car to the Museum ready.

It was 11 in the morning. We'd had a blur of a day. Getting up, getting ready, hiding weaponry in our vests, getting recaps of the day from Edmund and everyone else.

My tummy was a pit of fluttering. I just listened to everyone and stared at AJ. Only he could bring me calm. His reassuring looks, his safe touches, his warm smiles.

I knew he was afraid, but he put on a brave face for me. And I could do the same for him.

"I'm fine John, just a little nervous. The usual," I whispered back.

"I know a lot has happened between us. But I'm sorry okay. I want us to be a team like we were before everything else. Like we were back at the twilight exit." John sighed.

"I want nothing but that too," I said.

He slipped his hand into mine. And grabbed it tightly. I didn't let go.
"We'll be fine, Lilah. Don't you worry," he said.

"The car has arrived," G announced coming inside the room.

Everyone stopped.
John and I stepped towards the doors. It was quaint outside. Not too dull, not too bright.
I was wearing a silver slit dress. It clung to my curves. I had weapons all around my legs. They clung to me too. Cold steel in leather sheaths.

John was in a gentlemen's suit. It was grey and white.
My hair was longer with warmer brown extentions. And my eyes had grey contacts.

Everyone wished us goodbye and goodluck.

Edmund briefed us once again. Once finished, I started to move towards the car. Before climbing in, I felt a hand in my hand.

AJ helped me in.
He tried to speak, but he couldn't form words.
Oh my brave brave AJ, I thought.

"I'll be good," I said.
"You be good," he whispered.
Then he outstretched and kissed me.
It was fiery and sweet.

He let go and went back.
And John came and sat beside me instead.

"Ready?" Sam who was driving us asked.

John and I exhaled as one.

The inside of the cold marble museum was just that, cold.

John was by my side, alert and ready to pounce on anyone. The place was decorated in silver and black. And everyone inside wore black. Their were men and women masquerading around' the halls. Looking at all the fine and expensive specimen. The air was filled with quiet whispers, sly eyes and a ruffle of unruly restlessness.

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