Tainted Glories

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AJ's pov:

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AJ's pov:

I was setting up the guns, we'd all donned bulletproof vests and had rifles with us. All of us were hooked together to Lily. G was hooked to Ghost and John. G was roaming around the sewer tunnel restlessly and anxiously. He knew better than to have blind faith in Ghost. I was mostly quiet. Jake was losing his shit. And John, as I said was M.I.A

"G, I'm telling you he's setting us up man, there's still time to back off." Jake said nervously, with one hand on his gun and one brushing worriedly across his face.

"Who are we? Jake?" G asked simply.

"We're the Takers," Jake said quietly knowing where this was going.

G just nodded and started pacing again.

I'd attached all that needed to be, for the explosion to hit those trucks right in their sweet asses, in order to get money like confetti.

I was pretty confident about the explosives and I was great with timing. All that was left was the snatch and run. Keeping in mind of the possibility of Ghost trapping us. If this was a regular run, I wouldn't give a damn. But, with Delilah to lose. I was profusely sweating. And my heart was hammering wildly against my chest. I know it's not right to get so nervous before a heist. But what can I do, my body is doing this to itself.

"AJ? Babe?" I heard Delilah's voice. And felt a calm cool go over me.

"Lilah? You've reached?" I asked trying to keep my voice steady.

"No, we're in traffic. LA remember? Lily was getting worried. So she hooked me up to check on y'all," she said.

"We're O-Okay," I managed.

"Don't be tense AJ, it'll be fine." She cooed

I cracked a tiny smile.

"I love you," I said.

"I don't love you. I love your hat," she joked.

"Haha, to the dumps it goes," I whispered .

She retaliated with a moaning no. And then told me they had to disconnect. They'd almost reached. I nodded to myself.

So the thing was that two armored trucks, 18 and 29, were supposed to be arriving here at 11am. Sharp. Once they'd come, Ghost would stop them, so we could get into place. Then they'd be free to move further down the 4th Street. Where when they reached the target, they'd be blown up. Not such an intense blow that the whole truck burns. More like it jumps and falls down the hole, to us. And voila! snatch and scram.

It was 10:47am at the moment and everyone was extremely stressed. Especially cause Ghost didn't have the cleanest track record.

"Where the hell is John?" I asked G.

"He's up in the terrace," he said which confused me for a second, before he began again. "To shoot Ghost incase he does anything out of line."

I sighed with relief.

RIDE OR DIE, Takers(AJ fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora