Bang! Bang! The Gun Sang

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I heard the gunshots halfway into the path, it just made me run faster

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I heard the gunshots halfway into the path, it just made me run faster. My heart was twisting in my chest and I could barely breathe. I didn't care for all the cuts and bruises the thorny trees were leaving on me. I just kept running, until I saw the path end.

I stood at the outline of the trees, and ahead of me was a huge deserted pad. I could see a jet standing in the middle, a few leaps away from me.

And all around the jet there was grand commotion. Gunshots, and grounds of bullets and screams. It was an open war.

I could see Ghost aiming at something, I could see John and Willow. What was she doing here?

If Ghost was here, AJ must be too. I thought, taking a deep breath of relief. At least I'm not late.

But I had spoken too soon. For at that moment I saw him.

I saw his gold hair first, glimmering in the harsh sunlight. I saw him leap towards G. And tackle him away. He was shielding him from-

From Ghost, Ghost was aiming at G! No. No.

I was about to run, I was so frazzled. Then I heard the bullet leave the gun.

AJ's body was pushed more into G and all the colour from the world drained away as all the colour from AJ washed away.

He looked at G and then-then he looked at me, straight into my eyes, I could see him smile. He must think I'm a dream.
He must think he's seeing things.

He collapsed, and G moved him behind the jet. I started running, John saw me and covered for me. But I didn't care. AJ was shot. He could die. It was like my worst nightmare was coming true. My chest was aching uncontrollably. And I could feel the tears streaming past my face as I ran.

G started shooting again, just as I reached and fell down next to AJ.

He was lying on the ground, eyes closed. I pulled his head into my lap and touched his face.

"AJ please open your eyes. Where are you hit?" I cried. What am I doing? I should be looking for blood, for a pulse?

I gained ground and turned him to a side. He was hit on the right side of his back. Just a few inches from the lungs. Oh God, there was so much blood. He was losing too much blood.

He had a pulse. But he needed medical attention, right now.

"John!" I screamed into the sky.

I knew he must have heard me. AJ was not responding, he was unconscious and he must be in pain. I needed him to know I was here. I needed him to know I was okay and I needed him to fight. Fight for his life.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, and turned to see a disheveled John.

"Lilah, there's too many of them. The three redheads have come too. We can't fight them. Not unless we want to lose more-" he stopped.

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