Chapter Twenty Six: It's About To Go Down

Start from the beginning

6 years…. That’s such a huge amount of time I couldn't help but feel a little guilty, I mean he didn't mean to hurt me. But then again I can’t have him hurting Austin, or worse him anywhere near the baby.

“One down one to go!” Austin sighed rubbing my shoulders soothingly. “Austin I was thinking you shouldn't let your fans find out through a silly press conference…it should be more personal they deserve that. He looked at me understanding, he knew exactly how he was going to tell them. Even if he’d get in trouble with Mike.

‘AUSTREAM ANYONE? Got some things to clear up for you guys😜’ Austin tweeted making everyone go insane, I knew this was a much better way for them to find out. The Ustream connected the chat going into a frenzy, the Mahomies eager to find out what Austin meant by things.

I waited behind the laptop my palms sweating, I didn't want them to hate me or hate the baby. “Hey guys! I decided to have this Ustream, because I was supposed to tell you some stuff during the press conference next week. But after thinking it over I didn't want to tell you that way, I thought this way would be more personal this way” he swallowed hard, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

“I wanted to let you guys know that I love you all very, much I owe you everything I would have none of this if it wasn't for you and I can never tell you how much you all mean to me!! You've been there for me through all the bad and good times, and this time I hope you’ll stay with me through what we’re going through now!” he pleaded opening up to them telling them almost everything, a tear escaped his eye as he continued.

This was his moment with his Mahomies, I should leave them to it. I slowly got up leaving the room. “Everything alright Cara?” Alex questioned helping me sit down on the couch. “Yeah just sitting there I realized it was something he need to tell them himself, it’s a lot to take in and me being there would just make it harder” he nodded as Zach walked out, shades on in the house helping himself to the entire pot of ice cream.

“Uhh Dorsey could you s” I was cut off by Zach’s stern look telling me that was a no. “Pregnant…” I pouted at my stomach raising my eyebrow. “Hungry...” he replied sarcastically smirking, making his way back to his room.

“I got it!” Alex sighed grabbing his coat leaving the house, it was so helpful having two pregnant girls in the house. Not only could we both moan about being hormonal together. But Demi said I could borrow her personal slave whenever Austin wasn't around.

He returned 10 minutes later the boy is fast! Opening the bag Demi & I attacked the contents, he’d thought of everything I honestly felt like crying. “I love you Alex!” I strangled him in a bear hug, sucking on my yogurt spoon like a toddler. 

“Hey hey what did I just hear? You love AC what about me?” Austin teased tickling my sides. “Austin stop!” I giggled in between breaths. “No I’m serious if you don’t I might end up peeing myself” his hands quickly let go, a grossed out look on upon his face.


One Week Later

The car pulled up in Michele’s drive way, I was feeling rather tired so Michele offered to keep me company while Austin attended the press conference.

“You sure you’re okay staying here, I have my cell with me so if you need anything you call me right away!” Austin stressed tucking a pieced of hair behind my ear.

“She’s fine Austin you need to get going, you’re only going to be a couple hours! Kiss before you go...” Michele chuckled pushing Austin out the door, cornering him reaching her arms out making him blush. He quickly dashed past kissing my cheek rushing out leaving us alone.

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