Dedicated: The Epilogue (A Third Person Perspective)

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Just as the two had agreed, they dedicated their time for each other for a change; bonding and knowing more of their selves. Good thing that they've taken in all the words they spouted that night; especially Levi's who was more or less tipsy and took time remembering. Ever since their talk over drinks, the two of them came into some sort of routine for the rest of June. A routine that's pretty comfortable and natural.

Hanji who is definitely not busy for the time being, would drop by Racker every three days to eat and get into casual conversation with Levi. She would ask how is the business doing and inquire about Levi's friends. Levi on the other hand, would always accept the offer of buying groceries together with Hanji and helping her about random things. While they clearly meet more often now, they still lend some days out with their respective friends who are aware of what's up.

July comes by with a full blast of heat. Thus, the beach is naturally the number one go-to for everyone. Petra remembered their postponed beach outing they once planned in April so she decided to push it through and even invited Isabel and Farlan. Levi is not so pleased with the idea of beach outing during peak season; the shoreline is cramped with people. Much to his disgust, he overthinks about the water that is definitely swarming with bodily fluids. Oh... Who knows what could they be. Meanwhile, Hanji is more than happy to be playing beach volleyball whenever she and her friends go. And she's not surprised to see some of her students there. Then one day when Petra set up another outing when Hanji is invited, the beach is borderline cramped with beach goers they couldn't get a spot. Hanji came up with an idea to go for the water park resort that's located in the outskirts. Levi and his friends were fine with it and Hanji also phoned her friends to meet up there. This also gives way for Erwin to meet Isabel and Farlan after years. Anyways, they had a merge party; all of Hanji's friends and Levi's.

The two had made remarkable progress with their bonding. They would engage in humorous banters and lengthier talks. A couple of times, Levi got to hang out at Attack House with Hanji and her friends. Although he's mostly around Erwin and Mike, he finds himself getting along with Rico as predicted by Hanji. Because it's nice to get to know people with the same tastes, right? Rico's got a bit of clean freak juice in her so Levi easily gets into convrersation with her regarding the matters of cleanliness. Good boy Ashton also played part in getting Hanji and Levi closer. The kid requested to his Mommy Petra to let him play with them. While at the park and hand-in-hand buying cotton candy, the vendor mistook the three of them as a family. Levi clearly looked abashed for a while as Hanji laughed it off but nevertheless finds the idea sweet.

By the latter days of the month, thunderstorms rained down every afternoon. Hanji took advantage of it and invited Levi over for movie marathon. Upon visiting Hanji's house for few more times, Levi is surprised upon finding out that Hanji can do some decent cleaning as long as she's not busy. He complimented Hanji for it. Days after, then August became a punch in the gut for Hanji. Goodbye lazy days. Preparation for the new school year had her going back to 6 am wake up call. Levi knew Hanji would be setting up her office again so he deliberately went there to help. Isabel and Farlan tagged along with the premise of wanting to roam around the campus after such a long time. Hanji's friends are also present, considering that they're all reporting for work too. With this fact, the direct consequence is that prying eyes always take a peek on the two.

The one who enjoyed prying the most? It's Erwin, of course. Instead of giving Hanji paperworks in one go, he took several trips going back and forth from his office and Hanji's just so he can catch them off guard whenever they end up talking too much. Sure, Hanji and Levi ain't labled yet as couple but they're chummy buddies with each other now. Erwin did his best to gain baffled reactions from them whenever he disturbs them. So every time he succeeds, his eyebrows soared higher than an eagle.

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