Dedicated Chapter 17:

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At Attack House's parking lot


I noticed that there is something wrong with Hanji. As Ashton and I walked over to her, she had a hand on her ear and she looks like holding on to her car.

"Hey, Four Eyes!"

She did not respond. Instead, she stretched out her arm. I thought she wanted to give a high five but her head is slowly hanging backwards. Like she is...

About to collapse?!

My reflexes moved on time and I was able to grab her wrist. I pulled her wrist and her body followed suit. Her weight fell on me.

"What the heck, Four Eyes?! Are you still conscious? Answer you stinky Four Eyes!"

She's reeking with alcohol. Her hands are hot and it seems like she also has fever.

"Miss Hanji! Wake up!" Ashton said.

"She is sick. We need to bring her to the hospital."

Why, why of all the times when we're supposed to be on our way home already?

I put her left arm over my shoulder. I looked around and told Ashton to move aside to check if the door is not locked. When it opened, I carefully placed her inside then quickly put Ashton in the passenger seat and I took the driver's seat. The engine is already on and I did not bring my car so I guess it's just fine if I use her own car to bring her to the hospital. I glanced at Hanji in the backseat.

Did you do something stupid, Hanji?

At the hospital

"Can we wake Miss Hanji?" Ashton asked.

"Ashton, we can't wake her up. We will just return tomorrow."

Hanji is admitted here and is still unconscious. The doctor had her placed in a nearby ward because there was no need for her to be moved in a private room; unless we prefer it. The doctor also said that we could just return tomorrow.

"She only needs rest and must be controlled with her drinking. Her BAC is high."

"What BAC?"

"Blood Alcohol Content. Another thing, it seems like she has an empty stomach."

I carried Ashton and went out of the hospital. At first, I thought of driving Hanji's car but did not do so. It's a hospital anyway. It should be fine like the rest of the cars in the parking lot. I will just leave it here and return the car key to Hanji tomorrow.

We rode a bus on our way home. While on the way, Ashton is nagging me to visit Hanji tomorrow early in the morning.

"Stop it, brat. I already told you that we will visit her. I will even let you choose what fruit to give to her."

"Yey! Yey!"

"Stay put, will you? You will disturb the other passengers."

Finally, Ashton began to calm down and is now sleeping beside me. Now I am starting to wonder what happened to Hanji.

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