Dedicated Chapter 31 (part 2):

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Still drinking


Had I known that Levi has much less alcohol tolerance than me, I would have asked for only only twice the strength of our first drink.

"I find mself screwing up mwhen it 'eally matters, d'you agree?" Levi muttered.

I shook my head and sigh in observance of his behavior. He looks like he's already down to 60% of his consciousness battery while I feel myself still around 80%.

Earlier, after we finised our beer bombs, I asked Jan to prepare a mixture of almost triple strength than our starter alcohol. The said mixture was drained to two dozen shot glasses, giving us twelve each. Levi sudenly put up a cautious act (which is now I'm thankful of) and asked Jan to drive us home later and in return he will shoulder Jan's next treatment session. Jan gladly accepted so the whole drinking ordeal is continued.

And thus I took my chance to ask him about his singing group and their connection to Erwin.

Now I see. The three of them were into the usual mischiefs of a typicall highschool outcasts. One time, they finally got into dire situation of almost getting expelled. Erwin, who was our dear good Council President, made a deal with them. The expulsion order was withdrawn and they became errand dogs for the Council. Erwin eventually found out of their talent, made them sing for school occasions by recording. That deal practically lasted until graduation. Upon entering college, Levi and his friends came to decision of pursuing a professional career. Erwin willingly helped out, even Mike got his hands in helping the freshly formed Notorious Thugs into landing their first gigs.

Although they said they wanted a career, they still had college and couldn't afford producing their own music. But even so, their reputation for making good renditions became known throughout, locally and to some places like Marley and Odiha. No one new their faces, they're only known by their voices. By the time they graduated, they started saving money to afford a studio and everything else needed for production. Things were almost settled, few offers also came pending in line but something came up which caused conflict, making things go downwards quickly and broke the group around six years ago.

And that conflict is what I'm prying on right now. Like, how come things went downhill so fast?!

Only, the alcohol worked quite fast on Levi and his words starts to slur, becoming less coherent. I just raised the question about the group's disbandment then Levi started acting sentimental.

"The question is, why did you leave?"

"Just don't love the person."

"Tell the truth, miser."

He only chuckled.

"Levi, you're not making sense at all. You're mixing up about Petra and the band."

"But that's my point!" Exclaimed he.

Really, not only more sentimental, more emotionally sensitive too considering he cried immediately while listening to my backstory.

"Before you cry crocodile tears, why don't you tell me the cause of it all?" I urged him.

He stared at me for a bit. Then he did something unexpected. He banged his head lightly on the counter three times. And then he stared at me again.

"I guess me mind cleared up a 'lil..." He mumbled while massaging his head.

"I strongly disapprove what you just did."

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