Dedicated Chapter 5:

370 13 7

During her date at Attack House



"Hey! Are you sick? What's with that look?"

"What business do you have with me?"

"Just going to the comfort room. Anyway, you're voice is really good!" I waved at him since my bladder's going to burst if I don't go immediately.

I forgot to ask him what he was looking in the Supply Room. I went back to the table and Sawney is sitting holding a bottle of beer.

"Nice you're back. So, did you talk with your boss?"

"Ah y-yes. M-my boss kept bothering me." Stammered he and almost dropped the bottle of beer that he's giving me.

"Okay. Just don't overwork or you'll get sick." He nodded.

For 15 minutes we both talked about things. But it's me who is actually talking. Sawney would just say "yes" and "maybe" and now the night is getting late.

"It's almost 10 in the evening. Do you still want to stay?" I asked.

"Yes. I do not want to go home yet. If you want to go home now, I'll help you get a cab."

I just nodded. Like he said, he helped me get a cab. Before I stepped in, Sawney hugged me tight and whispered in my ear.

"Take your rest. I'll call you tomorrow." I nodded.

He left me and went back inside Attack House. I took my ride, giving the driver my address. While looking outside the window, I began spacing out with my thoughts.

Come to think of it, Sawney acted quite odd after taking his phone call. One thing more, Sawney is wearing another scent. I know his usual scent and he didn't wear it tonight. What's the matter with him?

I hope our relationship will work. If I'm correct, Sawney is my ninth boyfriend? It sounds absurd but I'm finding the guy who will love me for real. I left my ex lovers because they can't even play my heartstrings. They can only flirt and say pickup lines but they can't give me the same feelings I used to feel when I loved Shadis.

Well even if they make me feel so, I would just hesitate because I don't want things to end the same way twelve years ago. What should I do then?



"Ackerman!" I stood, frozen.

It was Hanji who called me. Because of great shock, I closed the door of Supply Room. Then I turned to her.


Please don't ask! Please don't ask!

"Hey! Are you sick? What's with that look?"

Yes I am sick! If you saw what I saw, your brain will go crap!

"What business do you have with me?" I tried putting a straight face.

"Just going to the comfort room. Anyway, you're voice is really good!" She said and went to the female comfort room.

That was close. I do not want to be seen by her boyfriend so I also rushed to the male comfort room.

After I went to the comfort room, I head in to the break room trying to register what happened.

I'm not even done settling my issues and here I am, caught up with other's business. The only thing that is keeping me calm is the thing that Hanji said.

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