Chapter 18: The Eye of the Storm

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Hey Guys.  I think it is time to update the next chapter of my story... Shout out to coda_blueflame for commenting on my story.... First one in a long time and also a plug... Make sure you guys go and read his first story posted.   :)    Its been hard to get this chapter out for i had a bit of writers block and needed to take a step back and get some inspiration.... Now that i have the inspriation, i can continue to write and post this next chapter.   As always, make sure to share with your friends and comment on the story so i know what you guys might want to input.....  If you want to see something new or see the story take another direction, let me know and i can do that.  Thanks everyone and enjoy this lastest chapter of Wolves Ambition....


CH 18:  The Eye of the Storm....

Troy:  I charged past my best friend.... He was willing to die for this guy just because he was his alpha..... When this was all over, i would need to do some serious convincing of him to bring him back to my side.   I keep tele-jumping towards the group of enemies ahead of me.....

Bane:  I was teleported back to my group before i could say anything.... My mate was alive... .He survived that green energy.... How could he do that?  I also looked to see that three of the ancients were standing in the shield as well..... A shield put up by my mate... How did he have access to this kind of power?  I looked at Ramos and asked,  "Great Ancient, how is it that Troy has the same power as the rest of the ancients?"   Inside, i think i already knew the answer but i needed to hear it for myself.

Ramos:   I looked at the young wolf and had forgotten that i had told Merrick about him but not his mate....  "Even though Troy was a human, he is somehow the decendent of one of the wolf ancients.... It is why the vampires bite affected him so quickly and why he was drawn to you... He was destined to be a wolf....  Think of him as comparable to a demigod.... Well in this case, demi-ancient... He has access to abilites that do not possess a level and can access many other abilites that arent even conceivable to the rest of civilizaiton; wolves or vampires."  I looked back towards the young one who was charging towards the group... They didnt stand a chance....

Bane:  I listened to the ancient as he spoke of Troy.... He was destined to me and to be a wolf... To recieve his gifts.... I didnt think i would be any where near ancients let alone mated with one... .This was all very complicated and hard to grasp, but i was ok with it because Troy was my mate...... I supported him through everything.....

Jon:  I looked as my old friend jumped right past me... I growled loudly and created a rift in the ground that travelled towards Troy's feet and locked him into the ground.... Holding him in place.... I simply smiled as i watched my pack start to reach the treeline...

Troy:  I coudlnt move... I was stuck in the ground.... They were getting away... But i needed to deal with my friend before i dealt with them... That demon was inside my body, i can track him to the ends of the Earth..... But Jon.... Needed to be dealt with now..

Garr:  We reached the woods and i looked back to see that Troy was stuck and Jon nodded to me.... He was sacrificing himself to make sure that we got away.... We needed to regroup and plan again before we try to attack again.... I looked at Zankou and said, "What do we do now? "

Zankou:  I stopped and looked at Garr... .I had half a mind to hold him to his deal, but i was already in full form... I didnt need the deal and besides.. .This Troy needed to be stopped but i needed to gather enough other demons to take him on... " Go and find a new lair.... Troy will look for you in the old one.... I will be back when i have the followers to take them on again..."  With that, i aspirated into the air as a black toxic mist and vanished to begin my search for Other demons currently on this planet.... I knew that Baltezore helped the ancient Merrick on the battlefield, but he was my type so maybe i could sway him to my cause...

Wolves Ambition (MaleXMale)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें