Chapter 26: A Wrinkle In Time

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*Warning, this chapter contains Very Mature Content!!!!! 

Hello everyone... I just had some time on my hands and thought i would write the next chapter of this story.  We are coming up to the point where i am going to split this story into its second book.  I am having a hard time finding exactly where i am going to end it, but it will be a clear cut place.  (As usual, it will probably be a cliff hanger unless i decide to show some mercy lol).  But even if there is a cliff hanger, this time to which the first chapter of the next book will be out will be about the normal time it takes me to type up a chapter anyway.  As always, i hope you enjoy this latest edition of Wolves Ambition  

Also, shout out to coda_blueflame for sharing my story on facebook!!!!!  ;)


Ch 26: A Wrinkle In Time

Ramos: War... Terrible War was coming... And there was not a force on this Planet that could stop it.... I raised up my hand as i came out of my Trance, "Everyone stop.... We have a grave issue upon us...." 

Troy:  Merrick and myself both instantly froze as to await what Ramos needed to tell us....

-------------------------------------200 Years in the Future--------------------------------------------------------------------

Soldier:  "Sir, There is no one here.  Their leader escaped through some type of wormhole."

Cryptios: "Very well.  Standby for further instructions."  This could be our opportunity to test out my ability... As long as it hasnt been too long since they traveled through the portal. "Sir, they escaped...."

Xyzyx:  I was infuriated... How the hell could they have escaped when they were overrun... I was about to yell at Cryptios when...

Cryptios:  I could see he was getting angry so i decided to let him in on why i was smiling... "They escaped through a wormhole..."

Xyzyx:  I immediately said, "Cryptios... use the telepad and take Osmos with you.... You two are to take 2 other soldiers with you  for recon.  If your ability works, you will be able to stay in that time until you press this button."  I tossed Cryptios the remote.  "Do not leave the time period until you collect all of the data that you need."  

Cryptios:  I ran to the telepad and waited for Osmos (Cryptios's brother).  "Yes sir.  We will be back momentarily.  I bowed to Xyzyx and pressed the lever to take us down to the Earth's surface to where the wormhole was opened.   

Osmos:  I knew that Xyzyx wanted me to be out in the field, but i didnt think he would send me back in time.  In all honesty, i didnt like it; however, i also didnt want him angry at me.  Therefore, i would go with Cryptios and carry out my duty as a soldier of Xyrion.

Cryptios:  "You two.... You will be coming with us to where this wormhole took the three."  The soldiers nodded and we stepped in front of the machine that created the wormhole. I then raised my arms in the air, channeling a deep blue seal that formed in the air.  From the seal, lines of black energy flew from the seal to the place where the portal was.    The lines then opened up the closed portal and displayed the exact location to which the three had escaped to... I smiled and said, "Come on you three... We have a job to do...."  I then jumped into the portal and waited to see where i would be taken...

Osmos"  I was not thrilled about jumping into a magic hole, but.... "Here goes nothing.... Come on you two."  With that, myself and the two soldiers jumped into the portal....

--------------------------------------------------Present day---------------------------------------------------------------------

Cryptios:  I hit the ground hard.... It almost caused me to howl but then i remembered what i was there for and i needed to be quiet... When the other three landed just as gracefully as i did, i put my finger to my mouth to represent silence.  We needed to not be detected.....

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