Chapter 1: Punishment

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Chapter 1:  Punishment

Reservoir, a small town in southern Texas known for its beautiful changes in scenery.  My name is try and I had just begun the new school year at the Reservoir college and I was already starting to get into trouble....

"What do ya'll think you are doing?"  Asked Mrs Ains.  Jon and I both looked up from their desks because they knew they had been caught.  "Is that a cheat sheet I see?"  she asked again.  Wewere busted.  Final test of sophomore year of college and wehad just gotten busted.  I nodded my head in assurance and Jon just looked down.  "Well, you both are receiving a zero on this final and will be speaking to the dean of history."  We both knew that this was not going to be a good day.  Both John and I left the class and headed on the long and miserable journey to the Dean's room.  "This sucks. "  Jon said.  "I told you not to use that sheet." I said.  "Well you didnt have to read it too Troy!"  Ijust looked ashamedly down at the ground.

"Both of you ought to be ashamed of yourselves.  Cheating on a history final or any final at that is a serious offense.  We do not condone or allow that type of behavior here."  The dean said.  All I could think about was that I could bounce back from this.  Jon was thinking how he could get out of this office fastest;  he clearly didnt care nor did he want to be there.  "however, since this is both of yalls first violation, I Will not recommend expulsion.  Instead, you will be helping out our nature club President, Bane, with cleaning the Timber Forrest."  The Dean Said.  Jon sighed in anger, but I kind of lit up.  I wanted to venture into the Forrest and I liked Bane on all levels.  I am gay and have been eyeing Bane for the longest time.  "its settled then, you both will go every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday afternoon to dark; 5pm-10pm.  This will continue for 2 months.  Now, both of you received a zero on this test, but tomorrow, Troy you will take the test to earn a high schore of no more than 80 and Jon, no more than 75 since it was your paper."  Dean ported said. "now, get out of my office and I do not want to see you in here again for any bad conduct offenses."  We both hurried out of her office and headed to our dorms.

"Man this bites.  We have a make up test tomorrow AND 3 days of 'torture' right after that."  Jon aid .  Right as troy was about to respond, "hey, whats this i heard about you both being big cheaters?"  This came from Julia, Jons girlfriend.  "No we are not, we just were studying while taking the test." Jon and I laughed.  "well that is a dumb way to study.  You both could have been expelled for that crap."  We both knew it was true, but we didnt want to realize it.  "well, lets not worry about it now.  Lets gather the gang and head out for some drinks."  Said jon.  Julia wanted to go but I did not.  Something was telling me to stay.  "Nah, I am gonna stay and study for tomorrow."  Jon said, "do as you will, but youll be missing out on an amazing night."  Both julia and Jon left and waited to me.  I didnt want to stay alone, but I knew that i needed to study and I figured that it was what was telling me to stay behind.  For the next 4 hours , I studied all the history i could.  I then laid down on my bed and took a nap.



"Get out of here.  Get out of here."  An unknown voice was saying.  "the moon is full and you are out here with one.  Take heed of the legend:

When the moon is full, the sky turns black

Look at the rune of pull, and you will see the track

Of a beasts tune and gull, It travels in pack

on the black due it will grull, watch your lonely back.



I woke up from my dream and shook it off as a stupid vision.  I then got up and walked to the sink when i heard a knock on my door.  I walked to the door and openied it.  I looked to see the tall, muscular form of Bane.  Bane's eyes were dark and he was much taller than me.  "Hey, you must be Troy."  Bane said.  He was also notorious for his bluntness and rough personality.  "Yes.  I am Troy."  I managed to say .  "was there something that you needed?"  I asked stupidly.  Almost for a split second, I thought I saw bane smirk, but it was a fleeting action.  He looekd in the room and asked "where is this Jon kid as well?"  I looked stupidly at him and said that he was out drinking hsi butt off with our friends.  Bane looked at me and asked, "well, I was gonna invite you two for some drinks and we could talk about his stupid stuff yall have to do.  Would you like to go for a drink?"

I thought to myself that i had turned down my best friend on drinking so that i could study, but i also thought that i was really attracted to Bane and even if he did not share the emotion, I wanted to make this last for a long time.  "What the heck.  Sure I,ll join ya" He smiled a bit almost a triumphant, but foreboding smile.  I grabbed my keys and locked the door.  I then said,  "we can take my truck."  Bane countered and said, Id rather we take my jeep if that is ok."  Troy simply replied, "yeah sure, whatever gets us from A to B"  He smile as we jumped into the jeep.  They started to drive off the campus but instead of turning right to town, Bane turned left to the Timber Forrest.  I asked, "where are we going?"  I started to get nervous waiting for Bane's Response.  Bane simply siad,  " i have a place out here in the woods.  I have 3 of my guys coming out as well."  Now I was definately nervous.  Being alone with 4 guys I did not know could be trouble.  "wha..."  I cleared my throat.  "what are their names? "  Bane said, "Aero, Robin, and Royce"  They are nice guys.  I think you will like them and they will like you.'  Bane said as he patted my head.  something about him changed as we drove further into the woods.  He got nicer and he loosened up a bit.  When he talked, he somethimes patted my shoulder or knee.  It was a bit strange, but I did not mind.  After about 30 min of driving, Bane said, "we are here."

As he pulled up to the log cabin, there were 2 other cars with the 3 guys he had talked about.  2 were very close to each other, the other was sitting on his truck.  Bane got out of his jeep and said, "wait here,  we werent expecting company and we need to fix up the place; we are normally tidy when guests are around."  He smiled and went off to gather the other 3.  They looked back at the jeep and went in the cabin.  I decided to get out of the jeep and walk around.  I went to the edge of the Forrest when my phone started to ring.  I answered it and said "hello..."  It was Jon. "Dude where the hell are you?  I came back to the dorm and you were gone."  I decided to lie and say, "I am out for a walk."  Jon then starts to argue with me about how i shouldnt have left.  Jon was clarly drunk.  I didnt notice that I was starting to walk further and further into the Timber Forrest as i was talking to Jon.  I finally yelled, "well maybe if you werent a drunken idiot i might want to come back!!!!!!"  I hung up the phone and turned it off.  I knew that if i kept talking that i was going to say something I would regret.  After I put the phone into my pocket, i looked up and my face contored in terror....  

I did not recognize where i was or how i got into the forrest.......


Hey.  so i started to write this story a long time ago and decided that i would put it up on here to see what people thought about it.  This is just the opening chapter and it gets better as the story moves on.  Leave some comments as to what you think will happen, how you think the story should go, and generally what you thing so far.  Thank yall. 

I will probably post the 2nd chapter after 2 votes and 1 comment.  Thank you :)

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