Christian laughs, "Right."

We don't talk much as he walks me to my car. Just silently almost enjoying each other's company, what the fuck is today? Once we get to my car I unlock it and lean against the side facing Christian. "This was a lot nicer than almost every other time we've met now."

"I'll have to agree there," he tells me with a soft smile playing on the corners of his lips, "Keep me updated, and hey, if you ever need anything don't be a stranger. I don't plan on heading back to Cali until the end of the month.

"Wait you're heading back to California?" I ask confused.

"I mean yeah, that's my home through the off season," He tells me, "Why?"

Shaking my head I purse my lips slightly to the side, "It just added a whole nother layer to this whole thing. Didn't really think about what the hell we're supposed to do when you're in California and we're here."

"I guess it's going to be something we'll just have to figure out when the time comes," He tells me.

"You know I can't uproot my life and just follow you right?" I ask, "I don't really know what you're expecting from me. Even if I don't hate you and find that we're able to actually be friends through this I'm not about to uproot my life because you live in California."

"I think this is a conversation that should be had at a different time," Christian tells me his brow furrowed slightly, "Not standing outside you're car in a parking garage."

Sighing I shake my head, "Alright." He's literally not even going to exercise his visitation rights, is he?

"Come by after the appointment?" Christian suggests in a text. Pretty sure that was the plan every other time we've texted or talked now in this last week but okay bud.

"Yeah." is all I send back not feeling overly eager to even see him given his expectations to just go back to California during the offseason as if that's not like the only real-time he'd have with my kid. Why the hell did he even want to get visitation or legal custody of this kid if he's going to be a selfish prick and go back across the country for the offseason? Whatever I'm not about to stress this now. If shit turns out the way I'm expecting it too we'll just push for a new custody arrangement.

Pulling my keys out of the ignition I let them sit in my lap as I tie my hair up before heading in the clinic. At least I get to see my baby today. Stepping out of my car I pull my shirt down before realizing its more of a pull the sweat pants up issue right now in covering my ever-growing bump. Thing is still relatively small but definitely big enough to make my clothing not fit right, so annoying.

Signing in I take a seat in the waiting room and glance overseeing some stupid tabloid sitting on the side table. Glancing over the cover I can't help but laugh seeing Christians picture in the corner with a dumb little headline about him knocking me up. I grab my phone and pick up the magazine snapping a picture of it and sending it to Christian, "Looks like you joined me today anyways."

Tossing the magazine back down to the side I just scroll through Instagram and deny all the requests to follow me that continue to pour in. I don't understand why everyone feels so damn compelled to be in my business just because I'm knocked up by Christian. After about five minutes of getting through a majority of today's, I'm called back. As I stand up I feel a little jab to the upper right side of my bump. I can't help but furrow my eyebrows a little looking at the spot before it happens again, oh my god. Smiling I rub the spot gently with my hand as I walk back with the nurse to my exam room. My little alien just kicked for the first time.

Getting my vitals and everything all situated I'm finally prepped for my ultrasound and now just waiting for the tech to get in. My alien has been just as active as before seemingly not wanting to sit still, I wonder if I've felt it before but just didn't think anything of it. Probably, I can't imagine they'd be this active if I've never even felt them before.

"Alright Ms.Kingston, let's see that baby of yours," Dr.Rowe tells me as she comes in before washing her hands and putting gloves on, "How are you feeling?"

"Well, baby is moving a lot right now it seems like," I say laughing a little, "and I'm excited to get to go shopping finally and start getting everything ready for the little one."

"So I take it you want to know the sex?" Dr.Rowe asks with a laugh.

"Yeah, so does literally everyone in our lives," I tell her as I run my hand down my stomach with a little smile. I love this baby so damn much and I don't even know what it is yet. "I think the consensus is that we hope it's a girl but we're happy regardless."

"Well okay then, if you wanna just lift your shirt up for me then we can get started," She tells me as she starts grabbing the equipment and getting it all set, "Might be a little chilly at first." I just nod and watch as she applies the gel before grabbing the wand and pressing it firmly to my torso as she moves it around before finally finding the image. There's my baby.

"So far everything looks great Ashtyn," She tells me as she watches the screen, "You said baby was moving a lot before?"

"Yeah right before I got called in pretty much until we started talking," I tell her trying not to start panicking over the question and the fact that they're not moving now.

Dr.Rowe laughs a little, "Well they must've tired themself out. She's napping now."

"Hold on, she?" I ask my eyes wide in anticipation waiting for the confirmation, "It's a girl?"

Dr.Rowe smiles at me and nods, "Congratulations Ashtyn, you're having a baby girl."

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