Chapter 27

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Somebody was hitting me with a pillow and was disturbing my sleep. I squinted my eyes to see who it was and I was not surprised to see Will constantly hitting me.
"Is this my birthday gift?" I asked getting up and sitting straight on my bed.
"Happy birthday love." He said hugging me.
Suddenly I heard a girl laughing. The voice came from downstairs. I looked at Will hoping that he would explain what's happening.
"Monica and Chris are waiting for you," Will said.
"Oh, but why?" I asked.
"Monica will take you out." He said.
"I don't have college today so I want to sleep," I said hugging my pillow.
"Nope. You have to go." Will said snatching the pillow from my hands.
"Listen I am not that fool. I know you guys are planning a birthday party for me." I said smiling.
"You eavesdropped again?" Will asked. I nodded.
"It's your twentieth birthday. I want it to be special." Will said holding my hand. I smiled.
"Fine I'll go, but first I need to talk to Chris," I said getting out of my bed.
"Do whatever but I want you out of the house by ten." He said.
"Okay," I said and went to change. After finishing some work I went downstairs to meet my friends. Monica ran, her hazel hair flying behind her and hugged me.
"Happy birthday Mia." She said.
"Thank you," I said hugging her back. Then I stared at Chris. He was ignoring me since our breakup but he was there planning for my birthday party with Will. He didn't utter a word so I went and punched him on his left bicep.
"Ouch." He shrieked.
"Why are you ignoring me?" I asked.
"No, I am not." He said.
"You are. After our breakup, you made a thing between us." I said.
"No we did not.....okay we made a thing." He said finally accepting.
"You have known me for a thousand years now. How can you ignore me like this?" I said trying to lower my voice so that Monica couldn't hear us and our stupid thousand years theory.
"Hey, Mia! I am not that strong to see you move on with Will. You were my soul mate. I tried to move on with Monica, but you know, duh! I can't explain." He said.
"I still care for you and you need to understand that Chris," I said holding his hand.
"I think I told you to go," Will said standing in front of me, folding his hands.
"Going going," I said picking up my cell and leaving with Monica.
"I'll drive," I said hopping in the silver car which Chris had gifted Will after he had broken it while going on a date with Monica.
"Okay." Monica agreed.
"Where are we going?" I asked.
"Westford century." She said.
"Why are we going to a shopping mall? I don't want to for shopping." I said.
"Wait do you have anything to wear for your birthday party?" Monica asked.
"Nooo," I said. I had completely forgotten about that.
"Then? We need to buy you something." She said.
"Fine let's go," I said driving.
We reached after a while and passed by many different shops which looked cool, but I always preferred buying my dresses from 'buck mason'. Monica chose a perfect dress for her, but I couldn't find one. We searched and searched and at one point even the staff got irritated. Luckily I found a perfect purple colored dress with a v neck design. We quickly checked out and went to a salon nearby.
"Welcome ladies." The woman greeted us.
"I want to straighten my hair," Monica said and sat on her chair.
"And I want to do semi curls," I said.
After an hour our hairstyles were done. Monica looked stunning and my semi curls didn't look bad. I loved my look. Then Monica's phone vibrated.
"Hey, Chris," Monica said picking up the call.
"Okay." She said and hung up.
"What did he say?" I asked curiously.
"Your party starts in an hour. They have invited all your friends from high school and college." Monica said pulling me out of the salon after paying our bill. We hopped in the car and went straight to Will's house. I rang the doorbell but nobody opened.
"Why aren't they opening?" Monica asked holding her yellow-colored shopping bag.
I called Will.
"Open the door, Will," I said.
"Do you want to ruin the fun? We have decorated the house so well. Come in from the back door." Will said. I let out a sigh and went to the back door and climbed the old stairs which made some cranky sound and then reached my room.
"I'll go and change," Monica said going inside the bathroom. I waited for a while and then she came out wearing her golden-colored, ankle-length dress. She looked amazing.
"Gosh! Chris is going to be flat dead today." I teased her and went inside the bathroom to wear my outfit.
"How am I looking?" I asked Monica as I came out.
"Omg! You look gorgeous." Monica said.
"Thank you," I said and went up to my makeup table. I applied a light shaded lipstick and some foundation. I did not brush my hair because I didn't want my semi curls to get destroyed.
"Is my makeup perfect?" I asked Monica.
"Perfect." She said.
"Let's go," I said finally leaving my room to attend the party. Monica and I walked down the stairs as I saw my friends standing, dressed beautifully. Will and Chris were waiting for us, both wearing a black suit. Will held my hand and smiled. The hallway was decorated perfectly. There were pink balloons and two tables by the side. One had drinks and the other had a three-layered cake. I was so happy on seeing their efforts. I kissed Will ignoring my friends who were whistling as they saw us kiss.
"Thank you so much," I said.
"You're welcome, love," Will said.
Then I went to my friends to meet them. They all wished me and gave me gifts which I passed on to Monica and she kept it on a table. Will and Chris had invited 'everyone'. All of a sudden the lights went off making everyone silent.
"What happened?" I asked looking here and there.
"This happened," Monica said as the lights came and I saw Will standing in front of everyone and smiling.
"This is for you gorgeous." He said and started singing, in his melodious voice. Oh! How I loved his voice.

"Oh, her eyes, her eyes Make the stars look like they're not shinin'"  he sang and came forward to touch my face.

"Her hair, her hair falls perfectly without her trying
She's so beautiful and I tell her every day"

I kept on smiling the whole time. Then to my surprise, Chris joined him too and started singing.

"Yeah, I know, I know when I compliment her she won't believe me
And it's so, it's so sad to think that she don't see what I see
But every time she asks me "Do I look okay?"
I say" Chris sang holding my hand and making me twirl.

Then Will and Chris both grinned for a second (which was a bit surprising if we think about the past) and sang together,

"When I see your face
There's not a thing that I would change 'cause you're amazing
Just the way you are
And when you smile
The whole world stops and stares for a while
'Cause girl you're amazing
Just the way you are

The lyrics felt so real and the way they sang, it brought tears in my eyes. Then Will came forward and held my hand and continued singing,

"Her lips, her lips, I could kiss them all day if she'd let me
Her laugh, she laugh she hates but I think it's so sexy
She's so beautiful, and I tell her every day"

"I love you, Will," I shouted out of excitement.

"Oh you know, you know, you know I'd never ask you to change
If perfect's what you're searching for then just stay the same
So don't even bother asking if you look okay, you know I'll say" Chris sang and winked at Monica making her blush.

Then once again for the final time, Chris and Will both sang together, making everyone shout in joy,

"When I see your face
There's not a thing that I would change
'Cause you're amazing
Just the way you are
And when you smile
The whole world stops and stares for a while
'Cause, girl, you're amazing
Just the way you are"

"You are amazing just the way you are, Mia," Will said finishing his song and picking me up in his arms and then kissing me. After realizing that everyone was staring at us, he let me down.
"They both love you so much." Somebody said. I turned back to see Zach standing.
"Zach!!" I said and jumped to hug him.
"Wow! Missed me so much?" He asked hugging me back.
"Come on, I am meeting you after two years," I said laughing.
"I was with a group of witches. They were teaching me some new spells." He said keeping his voice low so that nobody could hear him.
"Anyways, I brought you a gift." He said smiling.
"And what's that?" Will asked as he shook hands with Zach.
"Give me your hand Mia," Zach said. I did as he said and he closed his eyes and chanted something. I looked at Will curiously and Will stared at Zach trying to figure out what he was up to.
"Done." He said a few minutes later. I examined my hand and saw no difference.
"What did you do?" I asked. He did not say anything instead he kept on smiling, trying to tell me something. After a while, I understood what he did. I laughed and looked at Will.
"He gave me back my powers," I said smiling.
Welcome back! Do you wish to get a boyfriend like Will? I wish. Oh, how I wish to exchange my life with Mia. Don't forget to vote and do leave your lovely comments.
Spoiler alert: the next chapter will make you sad and I think you will love it. So stay tuned.

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