Chapter 18

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The group of angels surrounded us from all directions. There was no way we could escape. We had to fight them. I noticed that all of them from the group were not Archangels. Some were normally fallen angels too. An idea came in my mind.
"All of them are not Archangels. You guys take the Archangels away and I will compel the normal fallen angels and then kill them." I said.
"I will stay with you," Will said.
"No you all go. I will manage." I argued examining each angel carefully.
"How will we separate the Archangels?" Chris asked.
"The Archangels are on the left side," Xavier said.
"Follow me," Xavier said running and hitting some Archangels. The angels followed him. Will and Chris followed Xavier leaving me and the angry angels alone on the silent road. I did not have much confidence because I had not compelled anyone before.
The angels stepped forward.
"Stop," I said looking at their eyes, compelling them. They did as I said and my fear reduced.
"Where is Denver?" I asked still compelling them.
"We don't know." All of them said together.
"I Don't want to kill you guys, but I am sorry," I said taking out a pocket knife and stabbing one angel at a time. They all cried in pain and then died. I had killed fifteen angels and I felt really bad. I never wanted to be a murderer.
"May your souls find peace." I prayed.
I turned back to go to my friends when I saw a muscular Angel standing in front of me. He looked very angry. He came forward and punched me in my stomach.
"Argh." I cried falling on the ground. He picked up a rod from the ground and hit me hard on my head. My vision got blurred and I knocked out.
When I opened my eyes I was lying on the floor with my hands and legs tied with a rope. I tried to sit up. My head ached and my stomach was hurting because of the powerful punch. I examined the place and found myself in a storeroom sort of a place. The door was closed and there was no light in the room except for the sunlight which came from the broken glass window.
"Mia?" I heard someone calling.
I turned to see Chris and Will tied.
"Are you okay?" I asked them.
"Emotionally yes but physically no," Will said struggling to free his hands.
"Where is Xavier?" I asked looking around.
"He escaped leaving us to die," Chris said.
"Why can't I get rid of these ropes. I am powerful now." I said groaning.
"Stupid Witches have cast a spell so that we don't escape," Will said.
"A guy came from behind and hit us with a sharp object and we became unconscious," Chris said.
"Same here," I said picturing the man's face who had attacked me.
"It hurts!" I screamed tossing and turning. My stomach ached and the pain was unbearable.
"What happened?" Chris asked looking tensed.
"My stomach," I said growling in pain.
"Mia, everything will be alright. Breathe in and out. Relax." Chris said trying to calm me down.
All of a sudden the door opened and two angels came in.
"Denver is coming to meet you all." They announced. Then a man came in. I couldn't see his face clearly. I turned my face away refusing to see him.
"Let us go or I will rip your heart out." I heard Will yell.
"Funny," Denver said.
"Hey, let me see the blessed soul, turn around." I Denver said.
"No," I argued.
The two angels came and forced me to face him.
"Leave her bastards," Chris yelled.
I looked at Denver and my eyes popped out. The same face, the same eyes, the same muscular body, the same accent. My heart skipped a beat.
"Mia?" Denver asked raising an eyebrow.
"Dad?" I asked feeling like my world had fallen apart.
"You are the blessed soul?" He asked.
"I can't..." I didn't complete the sentence. I did not know how to react. My dad whom I used to call as a superman was actually the king of evil.
"Where is your mom?" He asked.
"Dead," I said looking at Will. I pictured that day when Will had killed her and I couldn't do anything.
"What? Kate is dead?" He asked astonished.
"Why do you care? You left us two years back. And you- you are Denver. The king of evil. Who kills innocent people. Who wants to become immortal to create hell on Earth." I asked. Tears welled up and I didn't realize when I had started sobbing.
"Your emotional dialogues won't work. You were nothing to me and you still you are nothing to me. You were just a mistake." He said.
"I hate you so much," I yelled.
"A tip for you. Father to daughter. I won't let you find the sword." He said.
"Leave my friends," I yelled.
"Umm...friends and all huh?" He said giving an evil smile.
"Burn in hell," I screamed. My stomach started to ache again and I cried in pain.
"Guards take this girl and show her who Denver really is," he said and left.
"Don't touch her," Chris screamed.
"Leave her dogs," Will yelled.
The two angels dragged me and locked me in a room away from my friends and tied me to a chair. I cried in pain.
"Don't do this please." I requested.
"You talk a lot." One of them said.
"Now you won't." The other one said injecting an injection in my left arm.
"What are y....." I couldn't complete my sentence. My body started to weaken and my throat burned. My vision grew darker and the two angels left the room.
"Help," I mumbled and then became unconscious.
Here is chapter eighteen guys. Do vote if you find this chapter interesting. Don't forget to leave your lovely comments. Take care and stay safe. Have a nice day/night ahead.

The Fallen Lovers जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें