Chapter 9

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"De-dead?" I asked trying not to sound frightened, but my expressions did not let me do so.
"Will, can you introduce me to this dumbo?" She asked. Will looked at her with a disgruntled expression and shook his head in displeasure.
"Introduce!!" she shrieked.
"Brittney. She is Brittney." Will said.
I looked at them, all perplexed.
"What's going on here?" I heard Chris saying as he entered the house.
"Brittney?" Chris asked, his eyes popped out, and voice cracking.
"Hey, sweetheart," Brittney said with a vicious smile.
"Missed me?" She continued, holding her waist.
"Why are you here?" Will asked.
"To complete my undone mission." She said raising an eyebrow.
"Mission?" I asked, my voice trembling with fear.
"I want you dead." She said talking to me but looking at Chris.
"Shut up Brittney," Chris yelled.
"Like I give a shit?" She said picking up an apple from the fruit basket.
She looked at Will and took out a pocket knife from her back pocket.
"You will pay for it." She said piercing the knife on Will's arm.
"Nooo!!" I exclaimed trying to help him.
"Chris? I think Mia and Will will have great chemistry together." She said laughing.
"Screw you," Chris said removing the knife from the injured spot.
Brittney looked at her watch and said
"Oh! That's bad. I have to leave for now. But" she said taking a pause.
"I will come back. You guys are ready for my forthcoming evil plans." She said before leaving the house.
"Who the fuck was she?" I asked looking here and there, trying to make sure that she was not eavesdropping our conversation.
"That was not predicted, Will," Chris said.
"Certainly not," Will said looking at his injured spot which was healing.
"Guys don't ignore. I want to know. Who is she?" I asked once again.
"Brittney was a fallen angel," Will said.
"And we killed her because she was going to kill you, Mia." Chris continued.
"What is her problem with me?" I asked.
"A love triangle honey," Will said.
"Basically, you loved me and Will loved you and Brittney loved me," Chris said holding his forehead.
"Complicated right?" Will asked.
"The main point is, why the heck is she here?"
"Well, she is here to cut me into pieces like a potato and then add some salt and pepper and then eat me up like a dish. " Will said.
"She hates you?" I asked.
"Any doubt?" He said.
"I have met fallen angels and now had an encounter with a ghost. And now I will not be surprised if vampires, aliens, and zombies just pop up and say that even they have a problem with me." I said frustrated. I was done with supernatural creatures. I ran upstairs to my room and locked myself.
I missed my mom and Abby so much. I wish they were here hugging me and saying their usual dialogue,
"Everything is gonna be okay" I heard Will say from behind the door. I put my hand on the door and wept. I could see his shadow from underneath the door.
"Promise?" I asked crying.
"Promise." He said. I knew he meant it. I could understand it by the seriousness in his voice.
"I love you Mia and I will protect you till my last breath," Will said.
I let out a sigh and said "I hope so."
Here is chapter nine guys. Do vote if you find this chapter interesting. Don't forget to leave your lovely comments. Take care and stay safe. Have a nice day ahead.

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