Chapter 10

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I opened my eyes the next morning and the first thing I could think about was Chris. After that silly conversation about Brittney, I did not talk to him. I got up and went downstairs to find no one there. I guessed Chris to be in Will's room and opened the door to find Will coming out of the washroom, naked. I immediately turned my face away and said "what the heck Will?".
"Well I think you should learn to knock cause' I am not a decent guy." He said.
"Where is Chris?" I asked still turning away from him.
"Do you think I am his P.A?" He said taunting me.
"Well of course. What a great way to start my morning." I said and left his room.
I went to my room and looked for my cell. I called Chris for more than ten times but he did not pick up so I left him a voice message telling him to call back.
My heart pounded. Several thinkings were hitting me so I decided to go to the Christopher house myself to meet Chris. I changed my dress quickly, brushed my hair, and went downstairs to see Will looking at me, crossing his arms.
"Where do you think you are going, Miss?" He asked.
"Christopher house," I said pushing him aside to reach the door.
"No." He yelled trying to stop me.
"What ?" I asked.
"You know Brittney is looking for you. You can't go alone." He said giving me an angry look.
"Then come with me." I fired back.
"Fine." He said picking his car key.
We hopped into the car, as Will turned on the radio.
"God!!!! Turn it off." I said looking out of the window.
"What did you say?" He asked turning the volume higher.
"Will," I yelled.
"Yes?" He said turning the volume to the highest.
"Argh!!" I frowned turning off the radio.
"Chris is not a child. He'll be alright." Will said taking a sharp left turn and stopping the car near the Christopher house.
"Whatever," I said getting out of the car.
I knocked on the door but no one opened. I tried to open it but it was locked. I looked at Will and he gave me a lopsided smile kicking the door open. I looked at me and smiled.
"Chris?" I shouted as I entered his house.
"Baby Chris your baby girl is worried for you so come out," Will said. I ignored him and went upstairs to his room. There was no one except for the weird and creepy silence. I sat on the bed with my head in my hand.
"He is not in the other room." I heard Will say.
I called Chris once more but he did not pick my call again.
"How irresponsible," I mumbled as I went downstairs to Will.
"Now what?" I asked Will.
"What?" Will asked holding his lower waist.
I let out a sigh and tried to call Chris once again.
"Did he pick up?" Will asked.
"No," I said looking at him, disappointed.
"Let's go back." He said.
"No. What about Chris?." I asked him.
"I will find him. But for now, it's not safe here." He said pushing me out of the house.
"I hate this!!" I shrieked.
"As usual, I don't care." He said hopping in the car.
                                 * * * * *
Two days had passed but there was no news about Chris. He did not inform me before leaving and that is what was making me worried. I called him every day but he did not pick up. Will tried to find him but even he couldn't. Whenever I looked at the mirror the only thing I could picture was Chris. His glowing face, the warmth in his eyes, the love in his voice. I missed him. All of a sudden I heard someone coming to my room. The wind blew in from the open window. My room was dark and silent. A part of me believed it to be Chris but unfortunately, it was Will.
"Any news?." I asked.
"No." He said.
"Where the heck is he?." I asked frustrated.
"Does he even realize that we are tensed for him?" I continued.
"Sorry for bursting your bubble baby, but you are tensed for him, not me." He said emphasizing on you.

"Seriously Will? He can be in trouble. We need to find him ASAP." I yelled.
"So what are we doing? Playing hide and seek?" He asked raising his left eyebrow.
I let out a loud sigh and looked at the beautiful sky full of stars.
"Did he go because of me?." I asked.
"What a foolish question Mia. Of course no." Will replied.
"Where are you, Chris?," I mumbled.
I remembered the day when I had asked him "where do you stay?" and he replied, "in your heart.". A tear rolled down, as I wiped it too quick, trying to hide my emotions from Will.
"Come back, Chris. Come back before it is too late." I said holding the pendant which he had given me on my birthday.
Here is chapter ten guys. Do vote if you find this chapter interesting. Don't forget to leave your lovely comments. Take care and stay safe. Have a nice day ahead.

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