Chapter 22

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The next morning I woke up and saw Will sitting beside me. I rubbed my eyes and looked around to see that Chris was not in the room.
"Hey, good morning," Will said.
"Hey," I said still lying on my bed.
"Chris is with Xavier. They are discussing something." He said.
"Nevermind," I said.
"Do you think Alice will find peace?" I asked facing him this time.
"I don't know." He said.
"Somethings are not in our hands. And as you said we should let go, let go of the things  which are out of our capabilities." Will said gently stroking his hand through my hair.
"How do make me smile every time?" I asked smiling.
"You two peeps come to my room, now!!" Xavier shouted opening the door and then left.
"What's the matter?" I asked getting up from my bed.
"Oh, some parts of his brain are missing today. I'll wait in Xavier's room." Will said leaving me alone.
I quickly freshened up and changed, applied some lip gloss, and hurried down the hotel lobby to go to the other side to Xavier's room. I knocked at the door. Xavier opened it and pulled me in.
"Woah!! Slowly mate." Chris said.
"What happened?" I asked.
"We don't have time. Witches are moving the sword to some other place. We need to find it asap." Xavier shrieked.
"Wait stop shouting. Do you know the exact location of the sword? No right, then why the  hell are you shouting at us." I said.
Then we heard somebody knocking. Xavier opened the door and saw hotel staff standing.
"Miss Mia?" He asked.
"Here," I said pushing Xavier to face the guy.
"This is for you." He said handing me a paper.
"Um..okay. Who gave it?" I asked examining the paper.
"He said that he was your good wisher." The guy said.
"Okay now leave and forget that we had this conversation," I said compelling him.
"I will go and forget all this." He said leaving.
"Hey, why did you compel him," Chris asked.
"I.....don't know," I said closing the door and opening the well-folded paper. I started reading it aloud.
"Hey, Mia,
You're well-wisher Denver here. I heard that you went back to attend the funeral of your friend Alice. I can't explain how tasty her blood was. Oops...I am sorry I forgot to inform you that I killed Alice. Now stop being over-smart, you can never find the sword. Stop your "I-will-kill-my-dad" mission.
Don't take care,
You're well wisher+ bad wisher,
The letter slipped from my hand as I gasped for air. My heart skipped a beat and I had this weird feeling that everything was falling apart.
"What the hell," Will said picking up the letter and re-reading it.
"Hey, you okay?" Chris asked hugging me.
"I am fine," I said letting out a sigh.
"Before he kills anyone else we have to kill him." Xavier reminded.
"We need to go to La Sainte-Chapelle very soon," Chris said.
"What are we waiting for? Come on." I said.
"Hey hey stop," Xavier said.
"What?" I asked.
"We need to talk to some witches first. They have sealed the cave with some spells." Xavier said.
"Where can we find them?" I asked.
"I know where. Hop in the car." Xavier said leaving his room. We followed him to the lobby where the receptionist wished us morning. Then Xavier picked his car key from the reception and we all hopped in the car.
"There lives a witch down the street. She is the most powerful one. If we can convince her to support us then we can find the sword." Xavier said driving the car.
"She has to help us. She can't let Denver kill innocent people." Chris said.
"She is rough. It's hard to convince her." Xavier said.
"When will Zach come?" Will asked.
"Tonight maybe," I replied.
After some time Xavier stopped the car near a house that looked gloomy and creepy. The house looked abandoned and lifeless. The windows were all boarded up as of what was inside was too terrible to see.
"This is a live example of a creepy witch house," Will said and knocked on the door which had spider webs all over. The door opened with a weird sound. An old lady came into sight. She looked creepy and angry at the same time.
"What do you want?" The lady asked furiously.
"Interview for a creepy witch movie. Smile please." Will said.
"Hey stop it," I said.
"Hey. Sorry to bother you but these are my Archangel friends and I am the blessed soul who can kill them. We are here to ask about the sword." I said politely.
"Let us in and we will explain," Xavier said stepping a foot in.
"Diablerie." The lady chanted which made Xavier's hand twist. He cried in pain.
"Hey hey. We don't want a problem here." Chris said pulling Xavier back.
"We need to find the sword to kill Denver or else he will kill every innocent being," I said calmly.
"Come in." The lady invited us in.
The house was covered with dust and spider webs. To our surprise, there was no furniture in the house except for a wooden chair which was broken.
"You don't know Denver and his power. I won't help you." The lady said rudely.
"Denver is my dad. I mean so-called Dad. He just used my mom and here I am." I said.
"I know. I know everything. I know everyone's intention and what you have all suffered." She said mysteriously.
"Please grandma, help us," I said holding her hand.
"Why the fuck are you calling her your grandma?" Will whispered in my ears.
"Can you shut up?" I whispered back.
"No," she said pulling her hand away.
"Why not?" Chris asked.
"Fine, I'll help you but only on one condition." She exclaimed.
"And what's that?" Will asked suspiciously.
"Mia will have to pass a test." She said raising her chin up.
"She is weak in maths," Will said.
"Hey, that's not funny," I said punching him on his arm.
"I'll do it," I announced.
"Follow me." She said and turned.
We followed her as she took us to her attic which was covered with dust. She turned to face me and said "You will have to sacrifice your powers.".
"Wait what?" Will and Chris together shrieked.
"But she needs it for her protection," Xavier said.
"Mia it's your decision. Do it or get lost."  She said.
I did not want to give my powers. I wanted it. I could do anything with it and moreover, I felt good. Nobody could harm me but I needed the sword to kill Denver so I let out a sigh and nodded.
"Fine," I said.
"Don't do it. We will find another way to find the sword." Will said.
"She is the only witch who can lead us and I will still be the blessed soul so I can kill Denver. It's my decision and I want you all to respect it." I said trying to keep a serious face.
"Give me your hand." She said. I gave her my hand and she chanted some spells. I closed my eyes and remembered the day when Zach had given me the powers. I was so happy back then.
"It's done." She said after a few minutes.
"You have proved that you are worthy enough. I'll help you." She continued.
"Where is the sword?" Xavier asked.
"Meet me tomorrow morning at  La Sainte-Chapelle," She said.
We all thanked her except for Will. He was angry because she took my powers. Everyone left her creepy witchy house and hopped in the car. I was about to leave the house when the lady told me to wait. I turned around and asked "yes?"
"Mia if you are worth enough you will get back your powers." She said. I smiled and hopped in the car. Everyone was quiet the whole way. By the time we reached our hotel, it was night time. I excused myself and said that I needed some air and went to the hotel garden. I sat down at a bench and held my face in my hand and relaxed. Suddenly I felt someone touch my shoulder and I turned behind to see Will standing. I smiled and made a place for him to sit beside me. I rested my head on his wide shoulders and let out a sigh.
"See the stars there. It looks like a heart." I said drawing an imaginary heart in the air.
"I can only picture a chipmunk," Will said confused.
"Seriously? A chipmunk?" I said laughing.
"Ya see." He said drawing.
"Can I ask you a question?" I asked.
"Go on." He said.
"What do you think love actually is?" I asked still resting my head on his shoulder.
"You are asking this to me?" He asked.
"Yup," I replied.
"Never thought about it." He said.
"Love is a relationship where nobody is perfect. But love makes them perfect. Perfect for each other. And that feeling" Will said after I forced him to think.
"So ironic," I said smiling.
"Now go and sleep. We already had a hectic day today." He said holding my hand.
"Hmm," I said getting up.
"Hey wait." He said stopping me.
"Ya?" I asked.
"You know how much I love you right?" He asked. I nodded and smiled.
"Good night Will," I said and went towards my room.
"Hey," Chris said as I entered our room.
"Hey," I said closing the door.
"You've been ignoring me." He said holding my hand.
"No, it's just that my mind is not in its correct place," I said.
I knew I was ignoring him but it's because I didn't feel the same way about him like I used to do. I did not know the reason. Maybe because I had suffered a lot in these few days.
"I'll go freshen up," I said going to the washroom. When I came out I saw that Chris had already fallen asleep. I took out my journal, sat on the couch, and started writing.
"Hey, diary,
Today was a terrible day. I lost my powers and got to know that Alice was killed by Denver. I have been ignoring Chris for a while now. I Don't do it intentionally but it's just that I am no longer too comfortable with him. Whenever he is around I need to smile whether I want to or not because if I don't smile he will be upset. But,  with, Will, I can be myself. He understands me by just looking at me. He reads me like an open book. I have been feeling this lately. What does this mean? Am I in love with Will? I don't know. But whatever it is, the feeling is just epic.
Here is chapter twenty-two. Do vote. Don't forget to leave your lovely comments. Stay safe and take care. Have a nice day ahead.

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