Chapter 8

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The next morning I woke up with the sound of my alarm. The sunlight fell on my face.
"Good morning Mia" I heard someone say. I looked up to see Chris sitting beside me. I hugged him tight with all the energy I had because I did not want him to leave me again.
He smiled as he understood what I was thinking and said "I won't go for now".
"Thank God," I said kissing him.
"Breakfast re...." I heard Will say as he opened the door to see Chris and me kissing. I immediately moved away from him.
"Oh! Did I disturb you love birds?" he asked giving us an irritated look.
"Yes you did," Chris said mocking him.
Will looked at me and then left the room.
"Oh sorry about him," Chris said.
"I know. I got to know a lot about him." I said.
I went to the washroom and changed my dress quickly. Chris and I went downstairs for breakfast. Will had kept everything ready. The chairs, the table, the plate, and as usual a rose beside my plate. We sat down to eat. Will and Chris were quite as usual. I could feel the tension between them growing high so I decided to change the environment and asked "Guys what is our plan for today?".
"We'll go out. I have some work there and then we can celebrate your birthday." Chris said eating the last bite of his food.
"Great. Will are you in?" I asked.
"Sorry. I am swamped with work and moreover, I don't want to make a love triangle here" he said getting up from his seat.
"Why are you always up to all these nonsense," I said hitting the table hard.
Will looked at me with his eyes enlarged and lips parted. He did not expect me to be this angry. I left my unfinished food and went to my room. Chris followed me.
I changed my outfit too quickly and came out of my room. Chris who was waiting for me said, "You look so beautiful". I smiled and slung my backpack on my left shoulder. I went downstairs with Chris. I looked around to see Will for the last time before leaving but he did not even turn back to look at me. Anger took control of my better half and I left the house with Chris.
"So where should we go?" I asked Chris trying to shift my mind away from that 'Will phobia'.
He smiled and picked up in his arms. I laughed as he flapped his wings.
"Where are we going?" I asked laughing.
"Just wait sweetie," he said.
After a while, Chris landed on the land, let me go. I stretched my back a bit and then I heard someone shout my name. I turned back to see Alice coming towards me. I ran and hugged her so tight. It felt like a year since I last met her. I looked back to thank Chris, but he was not there. A second later I received a message from him saying, "Don't tell her about me. I'll pick you at 7 from here".
I sent him a thumbs-up emoji and went with Alice. She took me to her house where I sat at my favorite couch and drank my favorite coffee.
"This is the best birthday, girl," I said to Alice.
She smiled and then asked, "Where is your mom?".
My smile immediately changed into a frown.
"She is still out of town and even I'll go tonight," I said
"Why? You are leaving me here again?" She said giving me a cute puppy face.
"Fuck your puppy face," I said laughing.
"And what about that cute guy Chris?" She asked raising an eyebrow, trying to taunt me.
"Oh. We talk sometimes." I said trying not to smile like an idiot again.
She kept on asking me questions and I kept on skipping them. After spending my whole day talking with Alice, I realized that it was already time for me to leave.
"I have to leave now," I said hurrying to find my backpack.
"When will you come again?" Alice asked.
"Don't know" I said giving her a sorry look. I hugged her for the last time and hurried to go to the spot where Chris had asked me to wait. By the time I had reached there, he was already waiting for me.
"Sorry sorry, Chris actually....." he did not let me complete.
"Sshh," he said, gently stroking my hair. He held my shoulder and looked directly into my eyes.
"Close your eyes." He said smiling.
"Why?" I said softly.
"No questions." He said closing my eyes.
I could hear Chris opening a box. After a while, he told me to open my eyes and I saw him holding a silver pendant.
"It's so beautiful Chris," I said holding it.
"It's yours," he said helping me wear it.
"Time to go," he said holding him in his arms which was my favorite place. I smiled as he flew off.
We reached Will's house quite early than I had expected. He let me go and looked at me.
"Don't want to leave you but.," he said hugging me.
"Then why are you going," I asked sounding a bit disappointed.
"Some more days love," he said and kissed me for the last time before leaving.
I opened the house door to see Will fidgeting with something. He looked at me from the corner of his eyes and said in a mocking tone "Enjoyed?".
I looked at him and raised my eyebrows in anger.
"Not now Will. I am not in a mood to fight." I said turning to go towards my room.
"Ya, why will you talk to me." He said folding his arms and looking directly towards me.
"What's your problem, Will?" I asked trying to cool down my anger.
"What is so special about Chris?uh?" He asked taking two steps towards me.
"What the heck," I said trying to push him aside. He held my arm and asked once again "Tell me. I wanna know". I had never seen this attitude of Will. He was angry, actually very angry. I shouted in pain as he understood what he was doing.
"Shit Mia. I didn't mean to do that" he said leaving my arm.
"You want to hurt me?" I asked as my vision got blurred with the tears.
"No Mia. I just..." He stopped and then continued "I just don't want you to hate me." He said.
"I don't hate you, Will. I don't. In fact, I love you. Yes, I do. I have a different attraction....a different feeling for you and I know you love me too Will. This won't work. We won't work." I said wiping my tears.
He stood there, his eyes enlarged.
"I have always been destined to be with Chris and I can't change destiny, Will. I can't. And even if I want to, I won't. Because I know we will always end up on the wrong side and then hate each other and ....and I don't want to ruin this beautiful thing between us Will." I said my voice muffled. I let out a squeal.
"In another life, when I will have the courage to fight against destiny, I will. And I will choose you, Will." I said hugging him.
"I love you, Will. I love you so much." I said crying my lungs off.
"I love you too Mia." He said hugging me tightly.
We both left each other and smiled.
I went to my room and wiped my tears. I opened my journal to write about Chris and Will when I heard a crashing sound.
"What Happened? Broke another plate?" I asked from my room trying not to laugh remembering a past incident.
I went downstairs to see Will lying on the floor. Somebody was upon him. A dark figure with her hair tied neatly in a pony.
"Wait. What are you doing.?" I shouted at her.
She turned towards me and gave me an evil smile.
"Hey, Mia." She said leaving Will's collar.
"Who are you?" I said making eye contact with her.
"You don't know me?" She said picking up an apple from the fruit basket beside her. Will got up on his feet, spreading his huge black wings and came towards her with great speed. He held her by her neck. She smiled and then twisted Will's hand. Will cried in pain as I ran towards him, holding his hand.
"I am stronger than you." She said.
"Because I am dead." She continued looking at me, giving me a mischievous - evil smile.
Here is chapter eight guys. Chapter nine will be posted tomorrow. Do vote if you find this chapter interesting. Don't forget to leave your lovely comments. Take care and stay safe. Have a nice day ahead.

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