𝟓 | The Supernatural

Start from the beginning

It turns out Tyler doesn't know how to take a hint, because he directly walked towards her. Aly wasn't worried about that, however, she was more concerned over the fact that he carried a bundle of red Dahlias and a basket filled with snacks. Aly gaped.


"I'm sorry," he begged. "I really am."

Aly took a step back, alarmed. People around watched expectantly, Caroline and Elena huddled together- and they were both sending her looks. Aly wasn't sure if they were of encouragement or warning. Hell, even Bonnie was paying attention! Aly caught her eye, and for a moment of truce, she shook her head. "Listen, Tyler-"

"I feel like shit for what happened." he said. He handed her the flowers. Bewildered, Aly took them. (They were also rather pretty) "I really didn't mean to hit you like that," he explained. "It was an accident, I swear."

Aly grimaced, her mind flashing back to the football game. Ready to decline his declaration, and also wondering what pushed him over to actually apologize. She opened her mouth to speak-

"You don't have to say anything." He rushed, "Just, here."  He placed the basket on the trunk of the car she was working on. A little awed, she held a dahlia up to take a closer look. "Where did you find these?"

"I knew they were your favorite," he explained, "It looks like they still are." He eyed the way she held them. "Do you need help with that car?" he asked, jerking his head to the SUV behind her. Aly shook her head. "Don't think too much of it." He gestured to the basket. "It's an apology. I didn't mean to hurt you- especially hit you. It really was an accident." 

Aly sighed. "I know. But you still hurt Jeremy, you told me you'll watch over him." 

"I'm sorry for that too," he said, grimacing. "I just saw him with Vicki and I-" 

"Yeah." Alyssandra nodded, a pinched expression on her face. "You and your temper." she said, "I'm sorry too." she admitted, "Friends?" Tyler stared straight at her, searching for something. Aly wonders if he'll find it. 

"Friends." He gave her a small pat on the shoulder. "My mom got the flowers, by the way," he said. "I'll see you around."

Aly watched as he began helping the cheerleaders, feeling slightly surprised as he did. How different would things have been if she had actually given him a shot? Maybe they'd still be as close as they were, maybe they'd be worse. Aly painfully remembers the sweet Tyler that she had grown up with, who didn't hide his affection behind an asshole attitude. It was almost funny, how a single summer can change everything. Then again , she thought, she was the one who cut him off.

Her thoughts were broken off when she spotted a fire start near one of the cars. She moved quickly, grabbing a bucket of water to stop it before it catches. It didn't stop anything. The car next to her, a blue sedan, bursted into flames. Aly tumbled back, gasping. But as quickly as it started it stopped.

A pair of arms grabbed her, drawing her back from the remains of the car. Aly gaped and whipped around. It was Stefan. "What-"

"Are you okay?" he asked. Aly caught Bonnie's eye behind him. Her friend stepped back, a clearly frightened look on her face. She ran.

"Y-yeah." Aly stammered, pushing him back. "Bonnie wait!"

Stefan caught her waist and spun her around. He shook his head. "I don't think that's a good idea."

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