Chapter Twenty-Six

Start from the beginning

"Almost everyday," I replied with a thoughtful frown, "Our school is pretty big so sometimes we wouldn't get a chance to meet, but more often than not, I would see him at least once a day."

"And during the period that you two were dating, would you say you had come to know Mister Jones well?"

"I knew him relatively well, yes. I saw what he was like at home, at school, alone and with his friends." I said, gnawing on my bottom lip in anxiousness.

Inspector Nathaniel kept a neutral expression on his face as he fired off question after question, "Had Mister Jones ever displayed any kind of abusive behavior toward you, or anyone else, during that time frame?"

"No, Sir. Not that I knew of."

"So, would you say that Mister Jones is a relatively respected young man?" Inspector Nathaniel questioned, leaning back to cross his arms, "He was seen as polite, intelligent and a gentleman, no?"

I blinked, "Some would say that, yes."

"And being an only child, with not a well-known family as Mister Jones, do you think you felt a bit left out?" he suggested, "Perhaps you viewed yourself as being in his shadow. Maybe you thought that by accusing him of assaulting you, you could focus the attention on yourself?"

My slender fingers pressed into the skin of my forearms, drawing tiny beads of blood, "No, Sir. I'm not someone who enjoys being in the spotlight. I was happy with giving Tyler all the attention."

"I see. Now, if I could bring your attention to the night of the assault," he spoke with a clear voice, "You claim that this occurred in Mister Jones' own residence, correct? On the night of October tenth."

"Yes, Sir."

"You also alleged that his parents were present within the home at the time the assault occurred. Is that also correct?"

"It is."

"You mentioned that you were screaming - do you think his parents were aware of what was going on? Don't you think they would have heard something going on upstairs?"

My heart twisted and sunk with nerves, my breaths coming in sharp pants. I tried to stay calm as my eyes met Inspector Nathaniel's straightened form. Sweat was building up on my forehead, and I could feel myself beginning to get flustered. The rapidity of his questions was throwing me off balance a little, and my brain struggled to come up with a reply just as fast.

"Nearly all the rooms in his house are soundproofed, Sir," I rebuked, "It wouldn't have mattered if I was screaming into a microphone. They wouldn't have heard me."

His lips curled up in a discreet smile, and he shot me a quick nod. However, once again, panic found me. It spoke to me in its cackling voice, forcing my legs to go weak and my stomach to lurch.

"During the alleged assault," he spoke, moving on, "Did Mister Jones forcefully hold you down?"

"Yes, he did."

"And was it sore where he was holding you down?"

"Yes Sir."

"Did any bruises develop where he was holding you?"


"Did you ever try and hit him, or punch him back?"

"In the beginning, yes, I tried a few times."

He quirked a brow, "After that?"

"I stopped trying when he hit me back," I croaked, "That, and he was much stronger than me. I was easily overpowered by his weight. I couldn't physically do anything."

Question after question was fired, barely giving me a moment to think or breathe. Slowly, I rocked back and forth on the plastic chair. I choked down the rising bile and consciously flexed my hand, feeling at last the pain of my nails digging into my palm.

"Yet, Miss Ryan, you made no attempt whatsoever, to report this assault to any figure of authority until weeks later, nor did you take any kind of test. Is that correct?"

I froze in my seat, my throat running dry. My empty lungs were burning and my heart was hitting my chest so hard, I thought it would break my ribs. Like a whirlwind, my mind began to worry about what I should have done, coupled with my perceived failures dominating my mind.


With a solemn face, he leaned forward, uttering the words I didn't want to hear, "Was this perhaps because none of this actually happened?"

Cold sweat glistened on my furrowed brows. With hands clasped tightly in front of my stomach I weaved my fingers in and out of each other. I blanched in my seat and shook my head, "That's not true. This did happen–"

"If this is incorrect, why have you never even attempted to report Mister Jones at the time this allegedly happened?" he pushed, "Why would you continue to go to school and talk with this man for weeks, if he had supposedly done all of these things to you?"

"I was scared," I whispered, "He and his mother had threatened me. I didn't know what to do, or who to talk to. At first, I thought I was in some kind of nightmare, and I didn't want to believe this had happened to me. But, when I found out that I hadn't been the only survivor, I knew I couldn't ignore it any longer. He needed to be punished for what he done - to all of us."

He scratched at his chin, the room falling silent for a moment. I took the time to focus on my breathing, trying to ease the nervous trembles shaking through my hands. To my relief, he closed the small notebook in front of him and smiled.

"I think that's enough for today," he murmured, leaning back in his seat once more, "You did well."

My body sagged forward and finally, I wiped away the forming beads of sweat on my forehead.

"Really?" I asked, my voice sounding breathless like I had just ran a marathon.

"You'll do well in court," he reassured me, "You're a strong girl, Naomi. Keep your head held up and don't show any fear in there. They feed off of that like vultures."

"Thank you," I murmured. The inside of my mouth lacked any moisture and a croak was all that issued from me, "You didn't have to do this with me today, but I really appreciate it."

"It's not a problem," he shook his head, "I truly wish the best for you and your case."

After the questioning, my palms were sweaty and the adrenaline coursing through my system was impairing my ability to think. My watery eyes were enlarged, and the hairs on the nape of my neck bristled. Starved for air, my heart raced at tremendous speeds, and my lungs shallowly rose and fell in time. I was scared - terrified, of what would happen. Of what the near future held. I over thought everything, until I had myself convinced that nothing would go right. There was a feeling in my gut that said, no, but another in my heart that said, yes - I would get through this with success.

How could my heart be wrong, though?

.・゜-: ✧ :-  -: ✧ :-゜・.

Let me know your thoughts so far! I'm currently writing the trial scene - which is next, so be prepared!

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