Chapter Twenty-Five

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when someone else's happiness is your happiness,

that is love

.-: :-  -: ✧ :-゜・.


Stepping out into the morning sun, my brows scrunched up in confusion when I accidentally stepped on something, and I glanced down to see a small, white envelope laying on the porch of my house. As I bent over to pick it up, I realized there was no address on it. The only thing that was visible was my name printed across the middle of the envelope in bold letters: NAOMI RYAN.

Curiosity got the better of me and without even thinking, I ripped it open. Inside, was a small, folded piece of note paper. However, nothing could have prepared me for what was scrawled across the page.

My sweetest Naomi,

How are you keeping? It's been a while since we last talked. You have no idea how difficult it was to send this letter to you, but I pulled a few strings with some friends in the department. I knew it would be impossible to see you before the court date but I had to find a way to talk to you before then. You've been causing me a lot of trouble lately and once I get out, I'm going to have to teach you a lesson or two. Don't make me do something I don't want to have to do.

I'm angry at you for disobeying me, my love. I told you not to do that, but you never listen to me, do you? Why can't you see that I'm trying to do my best for you? Everyone thinks I'm a rapist now and the media has been blowing this up out of proportion. Do you realize how hard you're making my life? And for what? Your fifteen minutes of fame? Just take back the false claims you've made against me. You were obviously enjoying it so I don't know why you're suddenly twisting the story. I'm your boyfriend, Naomi. Couples have sex together. It's normal. You and I both know you enjoyed it, so stop being a lying bitch and trying to make me suffer. You always get worked up over nothing but this is taking it too far. Enough is enough.

When all of this is over, I hope you realize how stupid you're being and we can be together again. I love you.

Your boyfriend,

Tyler xoxo

My knuckles were white from how hard I was gripping the letter. The edges were now crumpled under my force, and a tremor broke out in my arms. In the stillness of my yard, I gave a quick glance over everywhere, half expecting to see Tyler himself hiding somewhere. However, all that greeted me was a gentle breeze and the harsh sun beating down on my skin. Despite the silence, my skin still crawled like I knew there was someone watching me from afar. But the more I surveyed the area. . . there was no one there.

At least, no one I could see.

"Naomi? Sweetheart, what are you still doing here? You're going to be late."

Paranoid, I jumped when my father's voice called out behind me. Stuffing the letter behind my back instinctively, I whipped around to see him standing at the door with a deep-rooted frown as he examined me.

"I uh. . . I got distracted for a second," I forced a laugh even though all I wanted to do was crumple to the ground and cry, "I'm sorry."

"Are you feeling okay?" he asked, coming closer to peer down at me, "You look very pale. Do you want to stay home today?"

"No, no, I'm fine," I shook my head, "Toby's waiting for me anyway, so I should probably get going."

Without missing a beat, my father narrowed his eyes a fraction when I started fidgeting on the spot. Father was usually good at reading my expressions and knew when I was lying - something I hated when I was younger. He would always know that I had been the one to steal the last cookie from the jar, or when one of mother's fancy plates disappeared when I accidentally broke them, my guilty face would always give me away.

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