Chapter Two

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because nothing makes me happier,

and nothing makes me sadder,

than you.

.-: :-  -: :-゜・.


My stomach was rolling in nervousness, so much so, I felt nauseous. Today was the day of the party, to which I had already told Tyler I would go to, but I still hadn't gotten permission from my parents. While I knew my mother was completely smitten by Tyler's charms, my dad was a little more on the hesitant side. He didn't exactly approve of me dating a guy who was a year older than me, but I had tried to reassure him as much as I could that Tyler was a good guy. It didn't help that there had been rumors circulating around the town over the years, of Tyler's playboy ways.

But when it was just the two of us, Tyler knew how to be sweet. He respected the fact that I was shy, and had never once pushed any boundaries. I didn't understand why him and Toby didn't get along, but I only hoped that with time, things would smooth out between them.

My dad's voice broke me out of my deep thoughts as he called through the door, "Come in!"

Taking a deep breath, I cracked open the door and poked my head in. There, my dad was sitting in bed, his glasses perched on the tip of his nose as he read his book.

"Hi Dad," I started sheepishly as he peered over at me.

"Naomi," dad spoke with surprise. He took off his glasses and set them down on his nightstand, "What's up sweetheart?"

"Oh uh. . . nothing," I cursed quietly when my voice wavered. Gnawing on my bottom lip, I inched further inside and with a gentle push, closed the door behind me, "I just wanted to ask you something."

Dad nodded his head encouragingly and patted the bed for me to sit beside him, "Sure, hon. What is it?"

Despite my legs feeling like they were about to give out underneath me any second, I somehow managed to wobble over and sat down on the bed gingerly. Out of habit, my fingers weaved in and out of each other with each passing second. I knew if I lied and said Tyler was taking me to the cinema or out for dinner, I would be allowed out. But, I hated lying to my parents and I always wounded up feeling guilty afterwards.

"Well, you see dad," I began with a hesitant smile, "I . . was just wondering if you would let me go to a party with Tyler?"

As if on cue, dad's eyes immediately narrowed at the mention of Tyler's name, "A party?"

"It's going to be really small!" I exclaimed, and clasped my hands together in plea, "And Toby is coming with me!"

Since our fathers had been good friends for years, I hoped that throwing in Toby's name would sweeten the sour expression on his face.

"Toby is going?" dad scratched his chin as he thought over it. I struggled to hide the smile that desperately wanted to make its way onto my face. Like magic, the frown between his brows slowly began to diffuse.

"Well, that boy has always been stuck to your hip. . ."

"Dad!" I spluttered, with an unusually high-pitched chuckle. My cheeks turned a bright shade of red, and I let a curtain of hair cover half of my face in embarrassment, "Toby is not always stick to my hip! It's called being friends."

Dad pursed his lips, before he exhaled, his shoulders deflating in defeat, "You know you're not allowed to drink right? And no drugs?"

I nodded my head quickly, trying not to showcase the excitement I was feeling, "I know Dad."

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