Chapter Eighteen

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i will remember and recover,

not forgive and forget

.-: :-  -: ✧ :-゜・.


Slowing my steps down, I approached her with caution, peering over to the side to see her face. Recognition dawned on my face when I realized she was the girl who spoke up against Tyler in the homeroom a few weeks back. She had her hair parted down the middle, before pulling them back in two small pig-tails, matched with a small, sparkling stud in her nose. Startled, she jumped a little when I cleared my throat to grab her attention.

"Hey," I was the first to speak, my voice rising in question, "Can I help you?"

Looking up at me, she offered me a shaky smile, one that I noticed, didn't reach her eyes. I could almost see the sadness, grief and pain reflecting in her gentle gaze. Mascara lines smeared her lids, however, the black of her pupil was surrounded by sapphire blue. The icy blueness generated a feeling like I was being pulled into a lake of frozen emotions.

"Hi," her voice was soft; so light, that I strained to hear it.

I wasn't someone who was born with the natural ability to converse with anyone; I was usually awkward and shy, oftentimes preferring not to speak rather than make small talk. I didn't know what to say to her, or why she was even here, and I knew by her own facial expression, she felt just as nervous as I did.

"I'm Nicole, by the way," she introduced herself, holding a hand out. I noticed on the inside of her wrist she had a small tattoo of a lotus flower. I didn't linger on the design too long, in case I would be caught staring. Not wanting to be rude, I slipped my hand into hers, giving her a small shake.

"I'm Naomi," I smiled at her, "It's nice to meet you, Nicole. . . We have English together, right? But, is everything alright with you? Did you want to talk to me about something?"

She fiddled with her jumper, casting a quick glance over her shoulder. Her eyes were sharp and narrowed, seemingly scanning the quiet corridor before her gaze flickered back to mine.

"Are you free now?" she asked, tilting her head to the side. Her features showed she was nervous, but her words were slowly becoming more confidently spoken, "There's just something I want to talk to you about."

"Oh, sure," I blinked, taken aback, "Do you want to talk here or-"

"Not here," she rushed and shook her head firmly, "Would it be alright if stepped outside or something?"

"Of course," I replied and hiked my bag further up my shoulder, "We can go out to the yard? It should be empty at this time."

She bobbed her dyed hair up and down, the mini curls shaking, "That's perfect."

The two of us walked side by side, our paces matching in rhythm. Neither of us spoke on the way outside, but my mind was whirring in anxiousness and curiosity of what she wanted to meet with me for. We only shared one class as far as I was aware, and I was nearly certain she hadn't wanted to meet because of English class. My stomach was shifting uncomfortably, however, Nicole looked just as nervous, if not even more, which offered me a small bit of comfort.

We both stepped out into the warm air; the sun beating down on us with no mercy. The sun was beginning to set, the orange-gold colour stretching far and wide; the colour of fire hearths and tangerines. It merged with the sky, like juice-mix dissolving in a glass of water.

Tainted Love | ✓ Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat