20. Tae chose you.

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Jungkook's POV

"What!" I say in shock. "Jungkook Tae chose you to be his alpha." Jin says smiling. "R-Really?" I stutter. "Yeah." Jin says. "Why?" I ask. "I don't know you have to ask him." Jin says as I get up. "Di-did you really choose me?" I ask bursting through the door. "Y-yeah." Tae says quietly. "Now that he chose you that means that you have to deal with that sent until he lets you mate him." Jin says smiling. "Yeah." Namjoon says frowning at Jin. "Oh did he not let you mate him?" Tae asked. "No he did he just teased me with his sent and wouldn't let me mate him till the last day of his heat even though he was ready to le me mate him earlier." Namjoon says frustrated. "It was so funny tho." Jin says chuckling. "Yeah for you your sent was driving me crazy." Namjoon says as Jin laughed. "Well sorry." Jin says as Namjoon walks to him. "It's ok I forgive you." Namjoon says kissing Jin. "So umm when will Tae be ready?" I ask. "Tae will be ready when he says that he's ready." Jin says looking at me. "Yeah you'll have to give him time since it's his first heat." Namjoon says. "Oh." I say look at the floor. "Look do this hang out with each other talk to each other and maybe touch each other and explore each other's body's it'll help him." Jin says smiling. "O-ok." Tae says. "Yeah o-ok um Tae would you like to hangout somewhere?" I asked. "Yeah sure." Tae says smiling. "Awe you two have fun." Jin says. "Yeah see you later." Namjoon says as we walk out the door. "So umm where do you wanna go?" I ask. "Oh it don't matter." Tae says smiling. "Well do you wanna get something to eat?" I ask as Tae looks at me. "Yeah sure." Tae says with smiling. "Ok what kind of food do you want?" I ask. "Ummmm oh I want japche and starch noodles." Tae says smiling. "Ok then do you wanna go there?" I ask with a smile. "Yeah." Tae says grabbing my arm and pulling me to the restaurant. "Hi there may I take you order?" The man says smiling. "Yes I want japche and some starch noodles what do you want Jungkook?" Tae asked. "Oh I want some noodles and some sweet potatoes." I say. "Ok and what would you like your drinks to be?" He asked. "I want some hot chocolate." Tae says. "I want some banana milk." I say. "Ok your total will be 21.30$." He says as I give him the money. "Thank you your food will be ready in a minute." He says smiling. "Ok." Tae says. "So do you wanna eat here or at your house?" I ask scratching my head. "Oh well it don't matter to me." He says with a chuckle. "Ok so can we eat at your house?" I ask. "Yeah sure." Tae says smiling. "Ok here's your order I hope you enjoy." He says smiling. "Thank you have a good day." I say waving. "So why'd you wanna eat at my house?" Tae asked looking at me. "Well I wanted to talk to you and stuff." I say as Tae gets out his keys.

Tae's POV

"Oh ok." I say smiling as I unlocked my door. As Jungkook and I get into my house we go up to my room and we sit on my bed eating out food. "So what do you wanna talk about?" I asked. "Well uhh why'd you pick me to be your alpha?" He asked taking a sip of his banana milk. "Because I like and care about you a lot and I trust you to be my alpha." I say smiling. "Really?" He asked. "Yeah." I say smiling. "But don't you like and care and trust the other alpha's you know?" He asked. "Well yeah but I only like them as friends and I like you more as a friend also I trust you more." I say smiling. "R-re-really." He says with wide eyes. "Yes." I say as he hugged me. "Thank you for trusting me." He says squeezing me. "Your welcome." I say hugging him back. "Ok now let's finish eating." I say smiling. "Ok." He says.  "What do your sweet potatoes taste like?" I asked. "They taste like sweet potatoes do you wanna bite?" He asked smiling. "Yeah." I say as he feeds me. "Aren't they good?" He asked. "Yeah and you were right they do taste like sweet potatoes." I say as we start to laugh. "What does your japche taste like?" Jungkook asks. "Oh it's good do you wanna bite?" I ask chuckling. "Yeah." He says as I give him a bite. "Wow that's really good." He says. "I know right." I say smiling. "So how was your day?" Jungkook asked smiling. "It was nice I enjoyed getting food with you but how was your day?" I say smiling. "It was pretty good your smell almost killed me it's still is a little but I'm gonna deal with it till your ready also I enjoyed getting food with you to." He says as I blush a little. "I'm glad that you enjoyed it and also I'm sorry that my sent is killing you but I'm kinda scared about the mating thing like this is my first heat and I didn't exactly know what to do or anything so that's why I was at Jin's today cause I started it yesterday and it made me sick and I threw up at work but I would like to do what Jin said that we should do cause I feel that it might make me no more comfortable and stuff." I say looking down. "I think it's good to do everything he said to also I heard about you throwing up yesterday Yoongi told me about it I couldn't go to the cafe yesterday I went to the doctor to see my brother he has to have surgery on his shoulder." He says. "Oh well I hope everything goes well." I say. "Your so cute." He says as my cheeks turned red. "U-umm thanks." I say. "So I'm what do you want to do now?" He asked. "It don't matter anything you want." I say looking down. "Well can we kiss?" He asked as I nodded my head.

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