10 Meet Rose!

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Jennie's POV

"Umm excuse me." I hear someone say behind me as I'm going to the bathrooms. "Huh." I say as I turned around. "Hi um sorry to bother you but ummm my name is Rose and I was wondering if we could be friends I- I know you don't know me but I would like to get to know you so can I have your number?" She says with red cheeks. "Yeah sure I guess but don't be like other people and start drama and all that shit." I say as she smiles in happyness. "R- really thank you so much." She says in excitement as she gives me her phone to put my number in it. " There you go and your welcome but I have to go now bye text you later. I say. " Yeah text you later bye." She says waving. Okay back to looking for Jhope. I say to myself. "Haha there he is." I say running to him. "Hey Jhope I finally found you." I say laughing. "Yeah which took you 10 years gosh how long does it take to get to the bathrooms." Jhope says rolling his eyes. "Sorry I got held up by some girl who wanted to be my friend." I say scratching my head. "It's fine but we can't do anything today." Jhope says as I raised my eyebrow. "Why?" I ask. "Because the cafe is about to close. Jhope says shaking his head. " Oh umm sorry." I say looking down. "It's fine we do everything tomorrow." Jhope says. "Okay." I say still looking down. "Oh also I'm staying at your house tonight." Jhope says as I look up and smile. "Oh okay umm when do you want to leave here?" I ask as Jhope looks at me. "In a minute I have to go tell my friends that I'm leaving." Jhope says. "Okay." I say smiling. "I'll be back in a minute." Jhope says walking away. "Okay." I say smiling.

Yoongi's POV

"So um when is he coming back?" I ask as Namjoon looks at me. "Well it's taking him forev-." I was saying as someone interrupts me. "Hey sorry for taking so long." Jhope says scratching his neck. "Oh it's fine." Jungkook says smiling. "Okay but I have to leave it was nice hanging out with you guys." Jhope says laughing "Yeah it was nice hanging out with you to." I say. "Well bye see you guys later." Jhope says waving. "Bye." We say as he walks away.

Xie's POV

"Hey Jhope where are you going?" I ask as he was walking out the cafe. "Oh I'm gonna leave." Jhope says looking at me. " Oh... Well umm don't forget your phone and stuff in my car." I say. "Ohh yeah I forgot about that umm can you unlock your car so I can get everything?" He asks while laughing. "Yeah sure." I say as we walk out the cafe. "Ohh yeah you don't have to pick me up tomorrow I have a ride." He says as we're walking to my car. "Oh ok ." I say unlocking my car doors. "Thanks Xie, I'll see you tomorrow." He says waving. "Yeah see ya." I say walking back into the cafe. 'Hmm I wonder why Jhope is leaving so early we usually stay until closing.' I say to myself raising an eyebrow. 'Maybe he has a stomach ake cause he went to the bathroom 3 or 4 times or maybe he wanted to be alone with that girl.' I say to myself smarking. 'Or does he have a secret girlfriend.' I say with wide eyes. "Umm are you ok Xie?" I hear as I turn around. "Oh Max hi." I say smiling. "Hi umm are you ok?" Max asked raising an eyebrow. "Oh yeah I'm fine why? I ask looking at him in confusion. "Well your over here saying thing's and smarking to yourself and stuff." Max says raising his eyebrow. "Oh well I just had something on my mind it's all ok tho don't worry." I say nurvously scratching my neck. "Oh okay umm I love you." Max says blushing. Awe sooo cute. I say in my head. "I love you to." I say smiling. "Umm I-I have to um get back to work." He says as he turned around. "Wait." I say grabbing his shoulder. "Y-Yeah?" He says looking at me. "Umm well do you have a ride home?" I ask looking down. "Well I don't know exactly why? He asked raising his eyebrow. "Well I was gonna see if you wanted me to give you a ride but it's ok if you hav-" I was saying as Max interrupted me. "No it's ok I don't mind for you to take me home I-I'd love for you to take me home." He says blushing. "R-Really?" I ask supprised. "Yeah." He says laughing. "Ok um just come get me when your ready to go." I say smiling. "Ok I have to get back to work now see you later." He says waving. "Bye" I say smiling. 'Gosh he's sooooo cute.' I say to myself.

Jimin's POV

"Hey Jimin." I hear someone yell my name as I turned around. "Huh oh Tae." I say. "Hey can you do me a favor please." He asks. "It depends on what it is." I say raising my eyebrow. "Well I need you to get me a role of paper towels please." He says as I role my eyes. "Ugghh why can't you walk back there and get them yourself I have to watch for customers." I say crossing my arms. "Please the only thing you have to do is walk to the back and get a role it won't kill you gosh and I'll watch for customers for you please." He says begging. "No go get them yourself you lazy ass." I say as he looks down. "Why have you been so mean to me did I do something wrong?" He asks with sad eyes. "No I just don't want to get them." I say rolling my eyes as he walks away.

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