An Old Rivalry Encounter

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Unknown Dimension, Jingu Sakura Park

They soon made it to Jingu Sakura Park where the share crystals are located. As they enter the park, Uzume said

Uzume: Huh, so there are share crystals hiding even in a place like this.

Nepgear: Wow... I can't believe such a beautiful place still exists in this world.

Umio: You must realize that this place is this way because this is where share crystals reside.

Neptune: Why's that?

(BGM: Shock! DX - Mario and Luigi Bowser's Inside Story + Bowser Jr.'s Journey)

Umio: The lands of this nation, and of this world, are almost completely lifeless.

Umio: I personally believe that the dead land directly correlates to the fact that the amount of the CPU's protecting power has greatly diminished.

Umio: The sole reason Gamindustri exists is due to the protective powers of the CPUs...

Neptune: That's just like my nation, too. Planeptune can't do anything without me around!

Umio: However, according to the ancient texts, it is said that the source of the CPUs' power is, in actually, the faith of the people.

Umio: If this world bears no human population, CPUs can no longer manifest their true power.

Umio: My theory is that these share crystals scattered across the lands are the crystallizations of the faith of all those who used to exist here.

Nepgear: I suppose that CPUs and their people create nations by developing a relationship that is mutually supportive.

Nepgear: It was the same in the Gamindustri of another dimension we explored before.

Neptune: Hm... that means no matter the dimension we're in, Gamindustri will usually operate in the same way.

Umio: Well, that makes my job of explaining it much easier.

Umio: My recent investigations have found that this is the only nation which still exists. There is litterally nothing beyond the mountains and oceans.

Uzume: ...So it was true, after all.

Neptune: No way?! So, that means that we're seriously in an end-of-the-world situation!?

Umio: "End of the world" is quaint, in comparison. Let us return to the previous topic.

Umio: So, although Uzume is a CPU, this nation is still slowly perishing. Any ideas as to why that is?

Nepgear: No...

Umio: Considering Uzume remains dependent on a steady supply of share crystals, I believe this world has not accepted her as its CPU.

Nepgear: What....?!

Umio: In a world without CPUs, this place may no longer even be Gamindustri.

Umio: What do you think will happen to this world if its very last nation falls into ruins?

Nepgear: ...It would disappear, wouldn't it?

Umio: If we ventured to give a name to this shell of a Gamindustri, you could perhaps call it the Zero Dimension.

Kirby and Bandana Dee were now shocked, Knowing that these two know where they are now.

Uzume: ...I'm not giving up.

Uzume: Even if this world doesn't accept me, everyone else here looks up to me as a CPU. I'm stickin' it out 'til the end...

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